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Ailbhe tried her best to get some work done but it wasn't likely, not after the day she had. She had been alone for the day in the office, glad of the peace and quiet at first but after a while it just led to her mind starting to wander, starting to spin and unravel as she couldn't get all of the thoughts to form a coherent thread or make sense. It was a scramble of Michael and Gina and their plotting, to the plan to kill Mosley and McCavern, the return of Maggie Brennan into her life and then just as swiftly, the exit. She was exhausted by the time she saw daylight fading through the windows and not because she had exerted herself in the slightest. It felt like days ago since she got out of bed that morning, so much had happened.
She gave up, knowing that she wasn't getting anything substantial done anymore, leaving the office to get some air and knowing where she wanted to go. Artillery Square was quiet, warm light spilling from the windows and the quiet murmur of households around her felt quite foreign to Ailbhe. She wasn't used to a quiet or calm home. She missed the flat, it had been a kind of haven for her and Finn. Somewhere quiet and somewhere that was just their's. But someone else needed it more now.

Knocking on the door, Ailbhe waited a moment, not sure why tonight would be any different but the door pulled open much to her surprise.
It was Isiah, his peaky hat in hand and pulling his coat on as if he was just leaving.
"Jade, you've got someone to see you" He called over his shoulder, knowing Jade had been isolating herself away for weeks but that she missed her friend. And so, he winked at Ailbhe and didn't give Jade a chance to say no.
He stepped past Ailbhe, heading back to the yard to let Liam go home to get some dinner before watching Barney for the night. With Charlie having an injured leg he couldn't be relied on to chase after Barney if they had another incident like this morning. Liam had told Curly to go to bed, not to stay up looking after Barney. He knew that Curly was easily scared in the dark so Liam took his shift.
Ailbhe was strangely nervous to see her best friend. The last time she'd seen her was Bonnie's funeral and before that was the night, she and Aberama Gold had come to Tommy's house, Johnny Dogs in their possession. She had been a very different woman that night, the usual cool and calm Jade was gone, replaced by a woman whose very heart had been ripped out and broken.
Ailbhe sighed in relief when she saw her. She looked well. Jade had always been beautiful and although she had no makeup on, she looked pretty as always. 
"Jade!" Ailbhe sighed, glad when she saw her friend approaching her and almost even smiling like she used to.
She felt her eyes mist up when Jade wrapped her arms around her friend and held on tightly. Her perfume still smelt the same and made Ailbhe smile.
"Ailbhe, it's so good to see you" She sighed, squeezing her friend tightly when Ailbhe felt something against her abdomen.
"Oh, sorry" Jade apologised, a smile on her lips as she stood back from Ailbhe and looking down at her stomach.
There was definitely a baby in there. Ailbhe realised that had been the feeling against her own stomach. The baby was kicking.
"He gets a bit energetic after I've eaten" She explained, running her hand down over the swell covered by her dress with a look of utter love on her face.
Ailbhe felt a swell in her chest, of love and pride and a mix of other emotions too. Jade was having a baby. It seemed crazy. Ailbhe had known for months now but it was still bizarre to see Jade, cradling a baby bump.
"Wow" Ailbhe gasped, reaching a hand out cautiously but Jade nodded and smiled. She was so pretty when she smiled. Ailbhe had worried Jade's smiling days were behind her. But she'd get there. Her little baby was enough reason to smile sometimes.
With her hand on Jade's tummy, guided a little to the left that was when Ailbhe felt it. A little kick, then another.
"That's incredible, Jade" Ailbhe acknowledged, feeling the repetitive and rhythmic kicks.
"He's fast on his feet anyway, just like his father" Jade replied, a sad smile on her lips and her eyes misty for a moment, but only a moment as she stopped it right away.
"How are you?" Ailbhe asked, led over to the armchairs by the fire where she sat down beside Jade who needed a bit of help but managed it.
Jade took a minute, looking into the flames and shrugging.
"I'm okay... I'm... good days and bad days, Alv..." She replied, nodding her head and glad of it when Ailbhe reached out and gripped her hand.
"I miss him so much sometimes it... it aches" She whispered, holding her hand over her chest and looking as though she was going to cry but her hand slid down, over her bump and resting there.
"But I have him" she looked down at her belly and back up at Ailbhe "And I know he loved me, loved us... I'm okay" She whispered, convincing herself that if she said it enough times, maybe eventually she'd start to believe it.
"I'm so sorry I never answered the door to you, Alv... I just... I just couldn't face anyone" She apologised, squeezing Ailbhe's hand but Ailbhe shook her head, shushing her.
Ailbhe didn't take it personally. She only worried for Jade and for Bonnie's baby. She knew that seeing something like that, experiencing something like that did something inexplicable to you. And you had to get through it whatever way you could.
"Aberama told me about your dream..." She told her, her hand running absent-mindedly over her swelling bump.
Aberama had taken Jade in, accepted her as his daughter and whether Bonnie was still alive was irrelevant to how much Aberama cared for her. Bonnie had loved Jade with every beat of his heart and Aberama had made her his daughter. He was a man of his word and a man who valued family so even before he heard that Jade was pregnant, that his son would have a son, he had been visiting her, sending her some money or even some of Bonnie's things when he found things she might like. It meant the world to her.
Ailbhe looked up at Jade's golden eyes and saw the excitement.
"About the four magpies..." Ailbhe smiled back, remembering the dream that she had in the days after Bonnie's murder.
"It's a boy" Jade whispered, so comforted that she even smiled properly.
Like Bonnie had sent her a little boy to look after her, to remind her of him and be there while he couldn't. Bonnie was a man of honour, of his word and even dead he was looking out for her. Even if something so small, it was comfort enough for Jade when comfort and light were in such short supply.
"How are you?" She asked, wanting to talk about something else for once. 

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