Entry # 49: Colloquy Between Sister And Brother

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Oh well, at least everything's going right this time, Chara thought as he and his siblings watched Alphys drag Monster Kid away by the scruff of his stripped sweater.

Earlier, the oversized lizard pursued them throughout the lantern area of the Waterfall, just like before. Only this time, the kids didn't get separated from one another. It's a mistake Chara, Gerard and Saturn do not intend on commiting twice. They got cornered though, by the seagrass meadow where the bloody battle between Justin and Gerard occurred prior to the RESET. As if a homage to the hundred True Pacifist timelines before the glitching began, Monster Kid jumped out of the seagrass, cutting Alphys' speech short and unintentionally saving their skins (or souls).

"Will he be alright?" Jaede queried worriedly once the two monsters are out of sight.

"Nah, I don't think Alphys is going to hurt her fellow Monsters, a kid most especially." Chara assured the green eyed girl.

Justin sheathes his revolver, brilliant yellow irises glaring at the direction where Alphys went. "Let's get out of here."

Viorel nodded in agreement, shifting uncomfortably. "Yeah. I don't like this place."

Chara and Saturn glanced at each other inconspicuously. Gerard's trembling fists clenched even tighter, nails carving crescents and drawing a bit of blood on the palms of his hands.

"None of us do, Vi." Alice spoke, then she turned to her adoptive siblings. "Let us move, before she returns."

No one argued with that. The fallen humans immediately sprinted out of the lantern lined route, huddled close to each other as to not get lost in the dimly lit area. Viorel glanced at the seagrass meadow one last time before facing forward and following the rest.

✨ • ✨ • ✨

The children once again arrived in a place teeming with Echo Flowers. Justin's eyebrow twitched while Gerard suppressed an irritated grumble. Those phosphorescent plants are everywhere in this part of the Underground. Alice secretly wondered if they could find another route.

"There's no other path." Chara pointed out as if he had read her thoughts. With faces contorted in varying degrees of aggravation (sans the curious Saturn and the red eyed boy who crossed this portion of the Waterfall for more than a hundred times already), the group begrudgingly waded through shallow waters and mud.

Whilst the others ignored the passing conversations reverberated by the local flora, a certain dark haired girl actively listened to them as always; hopping from one flower to the next with an inquisitive expression. When she lingered too long on an Echo Flower, Alice grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her along. Although Saturn complained rather sonorously (not loud enough to rival Gerard however), her protests fell on deaf ears.

"Brother?" Jaede asked, gaping at the brunette boy strolling beside her.

"Mm?" Justin answered, returning his biological sister's steady gaze.

"Something's the matter?" It's more of a statement than a question.

"What makes you say that?" Justin arched a brow.

"You have that look on your face." Jaede said knowingly.

To a stranger's eye, Justin's facial features seemed to be perpetually frozen in an icy stare or a chilly glare. Being the aloof brunette's twin sister as well as a bearer of the Soul Trait of KINDNESS, Jaede can easily see the person underneath those masks. A person who is honorable and upright. A person who firmly believes in doing the right thing, whose own ideals never wavered even in the face of adversity. A person who is harsh yet reasonable, stern but compassionate. If only he'd drop that unforgiving, cold gaze of his. . .

An Underswap AU: A Tale of Seven Book 1Where stories live. Discover now