Entry # 31: A Late Night (?) Talk

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Anger. That's the only emotion he can feel boiling inside of him. It poisoned his mind and hardened his heart, fueling his soul with virulent RETRIBUTION. Yellow irises glinting with wrath, Justin now only lives for a single purpose: to turn all monsters into blood and dust.

They don't deserve to be free.

Red danced in his vision as he unsheathed his revolver and pointed it furiously at his current target. A fish monster trembled across him, eyes wide with fear, cornered against an iron wall and two rivers of magma on each side. There is no escape. Death seemed inevitable for her.

They don't even deserve to live.

"P-Please. . . have M-MERCY." She stammered, on the verge of tears. Waterfalls of sweat soaked her vermillion red locks and trailed down the sides of her head. She is breathing so heavily she looked like she ran a 20 kilometer marathon without rest or water. He would've pitied her if he wasn't blinded by vengeance, and a part of him, a very small part of him, hesitated at the sight of someone so defenseless.

Justin couldn't help but wonder if Jaede was in the same position back then. Helpless. . . Alone. . . Despondent. . . Terrified. The mere thought of it made his fury burn more ferociously. Any trace of sympathy he felt for the fish monster was gone, smashed to smithereens.

"You never showed my sister any." Justin snarled, his own voice sounding so foreign to him. "Why should I?" Jaede will be avenged, and the Underground will go empty. He pulled the trigger, and the bullet catapulted out of the muzzle with a loud BANG!

A blur of orange swiftly swooped in front of the fish monster, arms outstretched, planting himself in between the monster and the bullet. His face is too blurry to be recognized, an important person Justin can't seem to remember. . .


The bullet rocketed through his chest, and his soul shattered into tiny irreparable shards.

✨ • ✨ • ✨

The yellow eyed boy woke up in cold sweat, his heart pounding like a jackhammer within his chest. He sat up and evened his breaths, careful not to rouse his companions from their slumber.

"That dream again. . ." Justin thought as he glanced at his sister sleeping beside him. Instantly, an image of her as a bloodstained corpse flashed before his eyes.

He flinched and beelined towards the door, glacial temperature outside be damned. The brunette frantically swung it open and unintentionally slammed it shut.

In his haste, he hadn't noticed that Chara went missing, and that a pair of bright orange irises opened in the darkness.

✨ • ✨ • ✨

Papyrus and Chara teleported in front of the maid cafe's counter. The latter immediately withdrew his hand and perched on his usual seat. The former lounged beside him, lighting a cigarette he grabbed out of his pocket. The two sat in tense silence for a moment until Muffet emerged from the back door, balancing two plates of croissants, three cups of tea and a paper bag probably containing some sort of bread. Clad in roller skates, she swiftly glided around her cafe and served the customers their respective orders.

"so what do you want kid? it's on me." Papyrus asked, exhaling a puff of smoke.

". . . The usual." Chara responded quietly.

"hey, muffet!" The tall skeleton called. "one bottle of honey, regular, and one chocolate dipped donut."

"One Bottle of Honey and one Chocolate Dipped Donut coming right up!" The spider monster replied, handing a duck monster the paperbag. Muffet skated back inside the kitchen to prepare Papyrus's order.

An Underswap AU: A Tale of Seven Book 1Where stories live. Discover now