Entry # 48: Same As It Never Was

168 3 10

7:54 AM

PERSEVERANCE, the soul of tenacity and fortitude.

BRAVERY, the soul of valor and gallantry.

Should the Spectrum Theory be followed, then these two traits contain significant amounts of DETERMINATION only second to the red soul itself. Those with the most valiant BRAVERY and steadfast PERSEVERANCE would be incredibly dangerous opponents, as well as undeniably powerful allies, for chances of these people losing their traits are almost little to none.

✋︎❄︎🕯︎💧︎ ☠︎⚐︎❄︎ ✋︎💣︎🏱︎⚐︎💧︎💧︎✋︎👌︎☹︎☜︎📪︎ ☟︎⚐︎🕈︎☜︎✞︎☜︎☼︎📬︎ ☜︎✞︎☜︎☠︎ ❄︎☟︎☜︎ 👌︎⚐︎☹︎👎︎☜︎💧︎❄︎ ☹︎✋︎⚐︎☠︎💧︎ ☞︎☜︎✌︎☼︎ 💧︎⚐︎💣︎☜︎❄︎☟︎✋︎☠︎☝︎📪︎ ✌︎☠︎👎︎ ❄︎☟︎☜︎ 💣︎⚐︎💧︎❄︎ ☼︎☜︎💧︎⚐︎☹︎🕆︎❄︎☜︎ ✋︎☠︎👎︎✋︎✞︎✋︎👎︎🕆︎✌︎☹︎💧︎ ☟︎✌︎💧︎ ☹︎✋︎💣︎✋︎❄︎💧︎📬︎ ❄︎☟︎☜︎ 💧︎❄︎☼︎⚐︎☠︎☝︎ 🕈︎✋︎☹︎☹︎ ✌︎☹︎🕈︎✌︎✡︎💧︎ ☟︎✌︎✞︎☜︎ 🕈︎☜︎✌︎😐︎☠︎☜︎💧︎💧︎☜︎💧︎ ❄︎☟︎✌︎❄︎ 👍︎✌︎☠︎ 👌︎☜︎ ☜︎✌︎💧︎✋︎☹︎✡︎ ☜︎✠︎🏱︎☹︎⚐︎✋︎❄︎☜︎👎︎ 💧︎☟︎⚐︎🕆︎☹︎👎︎ ⚐︎☠︎☜︎ 🏱︎☹︎✌︎✡︎ ❄︎☟︎☜︎✋︎☼︎ 👍︎✌︎☼︎👎︎💧︎ 👍︎⚐︎☼︎☼︎☜︎👍︎❄︎☹︎✡︎📬︎

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Once their siblings are out of eyesight and earshot, Saturn and Chara turned their attentions to a certain orange head in between them.

"Well?" Saturn raised an interrogating brow.

With a resigned sigh, Gerard walked towards the mushroom tree where Saturn had planted her poacher's snare trap prior to the RESET. . . and promptly emptied his stomach behind it's thick pale blue trunk.

Saturn and Chara gawked at him for six seconds straight before the latter managed to get his vocal chords to work.

"What the–!? Gerard!?" The red eyed brunette exclaimed as he quickly hurried by the eldest hunan's side. The PERSEVERANCE girl followed not long after and started rubbing comforting circles on Gerard's back. Chara allowed the orange head to slightly lean against him for support; both he and Saturn occasionally grimacing at the sound and sight of vomit.

After a while, Gerard stopped hurling his earlier meals. He wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his black shirt and then spoke with a weak mirthless chuckle.

"I suppose I have a lot of explaining to do. . ."

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For some reason he can't pinpoint, Justin felt that everything just doesn't feel right; like something should've happened. . . but it didn't. Or it did occur, but somehow it was undone. By something. It's confusing.

Brilliant yellow irises scanned the interior of the Tem Shop, back against the wall beside the washer cleaning Jaede's bandanna.

Alice browsed the armors on display by the entrance, refusing to even inch near the appalling clutter that the shop is comprised of. On the other hand, Jaede is rummaging through the said clutter for anything that might be of use. Viorel sat near the counter, drawing something Justin couldn't see from where he's leaning. The humans in the shop seemed one person short. . .

An Underswap AU: A Tale of Seven Book 1Where stories live. Discover now