Entry # 46: Bloodstained Switch

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Warning: Mentions of blood and bleeding up ahead.

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Where are they taking me?

I can't help but wonder as the doctors herded me along the maze-like corridors, past several closed doors that blend in perfectly with the plain white walls, random people waiting for their medical appointments, bustling hospital staff doing the jobs they're paid to do and an old hag gushing moonily about some prosecutor named Wrightworth or something.

Are they going to take me to where mom and dad and Red are? I really hope so. I need to know if they're alright. If they're still alive. . . I frowned and shoved that thought away. Of course they're alive. They are the most determined people I know.

I shuddered a bit, rubbing my arms hastily. This place is giving me the chills. And it's not the d*Dora*ned air conditioners I'm talking about. It's not this annoyingly thin patient's dress I'm wearing either.

My train of thought braked when one of the doctors gently nudged me forward. I managed to suppress a grumble and quickened my pace. Seriously, what's with the rush?

That's when I noticed something odd about this particular corridor. Gone were the staff, the people, the occasional old guy/lady. This one is empty, silent, significantly less bright than the others. . . I can already imagine some eldritch abomination waiting for us at the end of the hall. Tentacled, mouth armed with rows of sharp teeth jutting out at unnatural angles, bathed in the blood and flesh of its victims-

I facepalmed. Ack, me and my hyperactive imagination. I swear I must be playing too many horror ga-

Hmm? I spotted the only open door up ahead. Curiosity getting the best of me, I managed to take a brief peek inside as we walk past the room.

There's a dark haired girl standing in there, purple eyes downcast and staring at a broken music box on the tiled floor. Someone else is inside the room, speaking obnoxiously about perfection and whatnot, but I can't see him from this angle. He sounds like a guy I wouldn't mind punching.

Before I could listen more into their conversation, the head doctor grabbed the sleeve of my (should I really say my? This dress does belong to the hospital) clothes and dragged me along.

This time, I did not suppress that mildly irritated grumble.

Sheesh! Are they all running late for their respective weddings or something?

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There are only three words that Justin can use to somewhat describe the scene that greeted him: absolutely f*Ferret*ked up.

The seagrass meadow has been showered with blood and dust, a terrifying feeling of spite and feral dominance lingering in the air that stank of rusted iron. Amidst of it all are two figures Justin recognizes quite well, both battling to death for supremacy over the other.

Gerard's dark orange spear clashed swiftly and repeatedly with Alphys' golden axe, haphazard sparks of flame and electricity dancing each time the weapons collided. The orange head slashed at her chest. The Captain barely dodged the attack, then she retaliated by doing the same to his. Fortunately, he managed to block it, the axe's blade striking against the spear's long shaft.

Justin didn't hesitate to run forward to get a closer look. Although his initial instinct urges him to assist his older brother, the brunette was never an impulsive person. He'd rather learn more about the situation and then plan a strategy first before making his move.

An Underswap AU: A Tale of Seven Book 1Where stories live. Discover now