Entry # 5: KINDNESS

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"KINDNESS: Fell down with his twin brother, JUSTICE. Her generosity and healing abilities are well received amongst her comrades."

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"You will have a good life with us. You will have loving parents, you will go to a prestigious school and you will have lots of friends. There are many kids your age in the subdivision we live in." The woman droned on with a dreamy smile on her chiseled features.

Jaede hesitated, unconvinced by her speech. "Is Justin coming with us?"

At the mention of her brother's name, the couple's smiles turned cold. ". . . Our home is only big enough for one child, darling. Surely, someone else will adopt you brother." The man said.

Emerald irises opened to the light of day. She never blamed them for wanting to adopt only a single child, but she'd sooner rot in the orphanage with her brother rather than leave him behind. A different couple offered the same thing to Justin, but he declined in favor of sticking with his sister. How could she not return the favor.

She didn't like the whole "climb Mt. Ebott" fiasco her brother planned nights ago, yet Jaede still escaped with him, fearing separation more than death.

Her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates when her most recent memories came rushing back like a flash flood. She sat up quickly, terror coursing through her nerves. Jaede frantically scanned the room, which obviously belonged to a boy who adored the color orange.

Where is he?

She trembled, on the verge of crying.

Where is he?

Speaking of her twin, said boy entered the room, his casted right arm in a makeshift sling.

"Justin!" She bolted out of the bed and tackled him with a hug. The younger sister began sobbing on her older brother's shoulder, arms wrapped around him in a tight embrace.

He's alright, he's alright, he's alright, he's alright

"Sshhh. . . It's alright sis. Take a deep breath." Justin cooed in the most soothing voice he can muster. He combed her hair affectionately with his fingers, whispering comforting words to his beloved sibling.

"Y-You're okay!" She stammered, pulling away from the hug before furiously whipping away her tears with her sleeved arm. "You s-scared me! Y'know. . . I thought you're. . ."

"I'm alive sis." He grinned reassuringly. "My arm"s broken, but overall I'm okay."

Jaede returned the grin, hand gripping his uninjured arm for dear life. "How long was I out?"

"Two hours. It's either you're really sleepy, or I'm not a good cushion." He spoke as they stood up, although he had a little difficulty because of his broken arm.

Realizing that she might've been the cause of his injury, Jaede opened her mouth to say sorry when another boy barged in without warning.

"HEY JUSTUS! I FOUND YOUR PISTOL!" The orange haired child approached the two, holding Justin's gun. Considering his color scheme, he must be the owner of the bedroom.

"It's not a pistol, it's a revolver." The yellow eyed boy corrected with an annoyed groan.

"Same thing." Gerard smirked nonchalantly.

"And my name is Justin."

"It's Justus with the -in and without the -us." Then he handed the revolver to Justin. Normally the orangehead would toss it to him, but since the latter's arm is broken, he'll just save it for the future.

Jaede giggled at her brother's irritation. No one was able to agitate Justin this much. Usually, it's the other way around, with his blunt words and strict sense of justice. This is one of the very few times that Justin's serious exterior had crumbled to dust.

Gerard's irises landed on her and he suddenly looked apologetic. "Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to disturb your moment." He took a step backwards. "Gotta go!" With that he left as swiftly as he came.

Jaede stared at her brother questioningly. "Who's he?"

Justin returned the stare and spoke in an unamused tone. "The son of the goat who runs this place."

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Justin meant goat in a literal sense. Jaede hadn't anticipated that.

However, he is a good goat, kind and caring, like a father.

To tell truth, neither she nor Justin knew how to act around a father. But it's nice to know Asgore is willing to be one towards kids devoid of parental love and guidance.

Their mother and father were absent for the majority of their childhood. After all, being high ranking military officers of a country currently at war with another is a full-time job. They tried, she knew they tried so hard, to become true parents to their children even for just a little while. But jobs can be very demanding, especially theirs.

Eventually, the twins were placed under the care of an acquaintance, until news of the death of their parents reached town. Then they were callously dropped to a nearby orphanage.

"Is something bothering you, my children?"

Asgore's calm voice pulled her back to reality. Turns out, her brother had been in a trance as well, probably thinking the same thing.

Gerard, who is stuffing his mouth silly with cake, turned to them with a raised brow. "The food isn't poisoned, trust me."

"It's not that." Justin deadpanned at him, raising his casted arm. "I'm right handed."

Gerard nodded in understanding. "Ooooohh. . ."

Jaede smiled politely. "It's just nice that you baked cake for us."

Asgore beamed, a vague reminder of her late father. "For as long as you stay here, you are our guests."

In the background, Gerard tried to spoon-feed Justin, receiving an embarrassed slap from the yellow eyed boy in the process.

An Underswap AU: A Tale of Seven Book 1Where stories live. Discover now