Entry # 55: Local Lizard And Seven Monke Bond Over Cooking And Arson Part 1

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"Alright, four cups of tea all ready." Alphys hummed, putting the now empty kettle back onto the stove. She placed the steaming ceramic cups onto a rectangular tray and began serving the rest of her guests with their drink of choice.

"One for you," She gives one to Alice. "And you," Hands one to Jaede. "And you," Viorel's was placed on the table in front of him when he didn't make any move to get it. "And finally, you." The Captain gave the last cup to Chara.

The youngest brunette smiled as he reached for the tea. He really wanted to choose the hot chocolate in a thermos, but if they were to increase their chances of successfully befriending Alphys, he needs to choose the blatantly correct choice. Plus, tea is a close second to hot chocolate in his opinion (He blames Asgore and his tea addiction for this).

"Thank you." Alice said, startling the Royal Guard's Captain. This situation won't change the blonde's opinion of Alphys, but she sees no harm in being polite, even just for a little bit.

"Yes, thank you." Jaede and Chara chorused. The rest of the fallen children also voiced their thanks. Viorel just nodded, face devoid of any emotions.

With that, Gerard chugged on poopsie cola like he hadn't drank for months ("Ooh! An Aphmau reference!" "Who's Aphmau??" "A potato goddess shipped with almost everybody."), Justin sipped his coffee ("Dark and bitter, like my soul." "But. . . your soul is yellow. . ." "And how did you know that your souls tastes bitter?"), and Saturn. . . Saturn chewed on butter. Yes, she chose a slab of butter and no one except Alphys bothered to question it, the fallen humans all too used of her shenanigans.

Alice hummed in delight after taking a sip of the tea prepared for her. She can recognize that savory combination of mild honey-like sweetness and mellow strawberry scent anywhere. "Golden Flower tea, huh?"

The rest of the kids looked at one another before  Jaede, Viorel and Chara drank theirs; eyes sparkling in recognition upon tasting it (Chara and Saturn are just playing along, though Gerard genuinely didn't realize that the tea Alphys made is the very same tea Asgore considered the lifeline of his taste buds and sanity).

"Yep. It is Dad's tea!" Jaede chimed.

"I knew those bags looked familiar." Justin muttered.

Alphys raised a brow, sitting on the olive wood chair on the other side of the table, right across her unexpected visitors (and perhaps we soon-to-be besties). "You've drank it before?"

"It's our adoptive father's favorite." Chara answered.

"Funny, Golden Flower tea is also a favorite of my former mentor, Toriel. . ." Alphys trailed off, her features softening to an almost sad and nostalgic look. Then her lips curved upwards. "Heh. . . come to think of it, you seven remind me a bit of her. All of you were total weenies!" She cackled before calming down seconds later. "Hehehe. . . sort of."

"Oi. . ." Gerard pouted.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Justin narrowed his eyes.

Alphys sighed, indicating the start of her narrative flashback. "Y'know, I was a pretty hotheaded kid."

"Sounds like someone we know." Saturn commented as she side-eyed a certain orange head.

Gerard snorted. "I'm not that bad."

"In this timeline, you aren't." The dark haired PERSEVERANCE girl quipped. Alice silenced both of them with a harsh "Sshhh!".

"Once, to prove I was the strongest, I tried to fight Toriel. Emphasis on tried. I couldn't land a single blow on her! And worse, the whole time, she refused to fight back!" Alphys ranted before slumping against the backrest of her seat. "I was so humiliated. . . Afterwards, she apologized and said something goofy. . ." Then she spoke in a high pitched voice, trying her best to impersonate the way Toriel sounds. "Excuse me, do you want to know how to beat me?"

An Underswap AU: A Tale of Seven Book 1Where stories live. Discover now