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A/N I decided to make an Ask Box tradition in my book. It's an idea I got from my sister since she asks so many questions about the story's characters, especially about the fallen children. Everytime an arc ends, the Ask Box will be opened for a week. However, you can only ask characters that were already introduced in the story. Characters who haven't made an appearance yet cannot be questioned.

The base I used to draw the image above does not belong to me, by the way. It belongs to it's respective creator.

• Gerard Cain
- Is terrified of mirrors for some reason. He is okay with walking past mirrors, but he will freak out big time if he looks at them.
- Can and will watch horror movies and play horror games without batting an eyelash.
- Made it a point to wake up at six o'clock sharp and exercise for three hours everyday.

• Justin Mindaro
- Lied about being right handed. He's actually ambidextrous.
- A lethal chef in extreme levels. Even his own sister banned him from the kitchen.
- His aim is godly. Rarely, if ever, misses a target. If he misses, it's either he did it on purpose or you have a legendary dodging ability like Chara.

• Jaede Mindaro
- Her favorite recipe is Spaghetti Carbonara.
- Has an obedience complex. You can ask her to do anything, and she actually does it without hesitation.
- It takes A LOT to piss her off. If you somewhat miraculously made her angry, it is advised to hide in another continent or dimension until she cools down.

• Alice Wright
- Her paternal grandfather is British. No wonder she unconsciously switches to a British accent sometimes.
- For some reason, Asgore's supply of Golden Flower Tea greatly diminished the day she fell into the Underground.
- Knows to speak and write in twenty different languages, including Wingdings and Monster Glyphs.

• Viorel
- Is an otaku and an avid cosplayer.
- Used to buy and collect manga. Stopped after the manga he collected were torn and burned by his childhood bullies several times.
- His fluffy hair acts as a mini storage of some sort. It is ill advised to store bubblegum in it though.

Saturn Nightshade
- A really good actress (Magaling magpaka-plastik in Filipino).
- The unrivaled Queen of Pranks. Terrorizes her siblings daily, especially during April Fool's.
- Likes to stay up late to stargaze, watch YouTube or recalibrate her traps.

• Chara Avadonia
- Wears an edgy-looking jacket because he wants to look less girly. It doesn't help though.
- His dodging ability is legendary, thanks to several timelines of dodging bullets and attacks from Monsters.

• Frisk Dreemurr
- Really good at sleeping in class without being noticed by the teacher because of her squinted eyes.
- Can mimic the sounds of several kinds of animals, especially birds.
- She's related to Chara, though neither of them knew this.

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Each of the Fallen Humans has their own favorite fruit:
• Gerard is obsessed with oranges.
• Justin likes mangoes.
• Jaede adores watermelons.
• Alice loves coconuts.
• Viorel prefers blueberries.
• Saturn won't say no to grapes.

Jaede: What's your favorite fruit, Chara?

Chara: Chocolates.

Jaede: But. . . that's not a-


Jaede: Okay??

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An Underswap AU: A Tale of Seven Book 1Where stories live. Discover now