Entry # 28: Misadventures In Snowdin Town Part 2

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In the VOID, a young girl sighed in relief. The BRAVERY boy warded FEAR off, for now. He must continue fighting if he were to emerge victorious in his war. The girl in question greatly resembled Chara from head to toe, but her clothing and her squinted pair of eyes are dead giveaways to her true identity.

A dark gooey mass hovered out of nowhere, morphing into a tall skeleton clad in long black coat. He sauntered towards her, disappoinment etched on his cracked visage. "You know, their suffering is all your fault." He stated accusingly.

"I know that, doctor. That is why I created this timeline." Frisk gestured at the misty screen before them. "This will amend my mistakes and finally achieve the ending everyone deserves." She returned her attention to the screen, this time showing Chara rummage through the library in search of the book.

"That obsession of yours. . . will only cause more pain and suffering to those poor souls." Gaster snarled in dismay. "You're terrible at executing plans."

"SHUT UP!" Frisk's bloodshot eyes opened and she threw five knives at the skeleton. The crimson blades merely flew through the gooey substance that is Gaster's body, rendering him unharmed. "I know what I'm doing!" Frisk hollered. "My plans will be a success this time! I'm sure of it!"

Crestfallen, Gaster sighed. "Suite yourself. Sacrificing your DETERMINATION to keep those six alive won't be worth it. It will only hurt you, and Chara." With that, he turned into a heap of black goop and vanished.

Growling, Frisk resumed observing the seven souls. "It will be worth it. It will be."

✨ • ✨ • ✨

"Welcome to Snowed Inn! Snowdin's premier hotel!" The bunny lady welcomed the twins as they entered the building. Justin instantly approached the counter, Jaede right behind him.

"Do you have room for seven people ma'am?" The brunette boy inquired.

"Seven people?" The bunny lady looked startled. "Oh my, I don't think we have a room big enough for seven people. I'm terribly sorry." She apologized.

"It's alright. Thank you for your time." Justin said before he and his sister left the inn. The duo trudged the town's snowy road, hand in hand as usual.

Jaede gazed at her brother with concern. "So, where do we stay now?"

The older twin shrugged. "I dunno."

"Maybe Sans and Papyrus knows another place?" Jaede suggested. The shopkeeper did say that skeleton siblings live in this area. And there doesn't seem to be any other skeletons around aside from Papyrus and Sans. Those two seemed amiable enough to at least give them directions to another inn.

The third one though intrigued them. Sans and Papyrus never mentioned another sibling.

"If we can find them in town, that is." Justin replied. "Say, you said you want to check out Muffet's, right?"

"Oh! I nearly forgot." Jaede said sheepishly. Then she pointed at some sort of maid cafe across town. "I think it's that building over there."

The twins walked towards the shop, which is swathed in amethyst purple and soft pink on the exterior. Justin pulled the door open and the two peeked inside. The interior is painted the same way the exterior is, except that the walls are also adorned with spiderweb patterns. Comfy chairs and sturdy tables lined the maid cafe in an orderly fashion. The counter is located at the far back of the cafe, a large board displaying the menu hanging overhead. A spider monster, whom Justin guessed is the owner of the shop, can be seen serving a creepy-looking mouth monster his order.

An Underswap AU: A Tale of Seven Book 1Where stories live. Discover now