Entry # 11: ASGORE

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"Why are we here again?" Justin glanced questioningly at a certain orange haired boy beside him. We are all sitting around the golden bed of flowers that cushioned the fall of my children years back. It is the only area in the Ruins, and quite possibly the entire Underground, that can be touched by sunshine and moonlight.

It is the place where I buried. . . them.

"We are waiting for a human to fall down." Gerard answered, staring up at the portion of the starlit sky bordered by the hole's edges. I gazed at him like he had grown another head. The rest of the children held the same bewildered expressions on their youthful faces. None of them had aged. Not even a bit.

Justin raised a brow in utter disbelief. "Why in blazes do you think a human will fall down after dinner?"

"It's just a theory." Gerard shrugged. Justin slapped his forehead with his palm, and Alice groaned in irritation. I chuckled uncertainly. This is the most interesting idea he came up with so far.

Jaede cupped her mouth and yelled at the top of her lungs. "Mr. Sixth fallen human! I would appreciate it if you prove Gerard's theory correct!" Unsurprisingly, Justin snorted at that. Jaede is the only one who can tug a smile of his brother's face, anytime, anywhere, anyhow.

"Haha, hilarious." Gerard droned monotonously.

I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. "So what is your theory, my child?"

"Well, we all fell down on the same date, January 8; we all fell down at night; and we all fell down on this bed of flowers." Gerard explained. That. . . confused me a bit. . . . Wait a minute, is he implying that. . . !

"So you thought that another human will fall down at this hour?" Alice said, catching on.

"Yep." Came his nonchalant reply.

Justin deadpanned. "Seriously?

"You can go if you want." Gerard said, his gaze never leaving the mouth of the hole above.

"And let you sleep outside, waiting in vain for another fallen human?" Alice crossed her arms in disagreement.

"Nope. We're family. We stick together!" Jaede spoke determinedly, then she looked thoughtful. "Actually, maybe we can camp out here!" Then she turned to me quizzically. "Dad, can we camp out here?"

"Of course, my child." I agreed almost immediately, stroking her light brown hair. "I can get the sleeping bags and lamp inside if you–?" I cut myself off when I saw Gerard stand up and walk towards the center of the flower bed. His gaze stayed upwards, anticipating the "sixth human" he theorized.

Justin perked up. "Do you guys hear that?"

"Here what?" Alice and Jaede chorused.

A blur of dark blue, then the next thing I knew, a fallen child squashed Gerard like a slipper on an insect. Not a good comparison, but it is an accurate wording of the event that transpired.

Gerard squirmed and crawled underneath the sixth fallen human, freeing himself rather easily before grinning victoriously. "SEE! I told you a human would fall down at this hour!" He shrieked like banshee, wildly pointing a finger at us.

Jaede immediately knelt beside the new child, gently helping him (the child seems like a "he") sit up. "Are you alright? Does anything hurt– Oh! Oh my!" She gasped. Justin and Alice looked alarmed. Gerard took off his sleeveless jacket and draped it on the boy.

I kneeled in front of the blunette to get a closer look and I nearly recoiled in shock. Bruises marred his healthy brown skin. He has a swollen right cheek and he is wearing poor excuse of clothes. And that is only the external injuries. What happened to this poor innocent child? Who did this to him!?

It didn't surprise me when the boy started crying. How strange. He doesn't seem to be capable of emitting a sound. Is he. . .

"My children, we must go inside and get some medicine for this young one! Quickly!" I added before scooping the fragile child and rushing him inside our Home, with Gerard, Justin, Jaede and Alice right behind me.

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A/N: The longest Asgore entry so far.

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