Entry # 22: When Birds Leave The Nest

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The group walked through another dimly lit green hallway. None of them uttered a single word along the way, still processing the fact that they are going to leave for real. . .

After ten long years, they finally left the place they called home, they left the person they called father, in favor of venturing into the unknown and out in the Surface again.

Jaede sniffed and Justin wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him. Viorel trailed behind with his head low. Alice decided to inspect her grappling hook to pass time. Saturn and Chara walked ahead; it is obvious that they aren't comfortable with the gloomy mood of their siblings.

Gerard doesn't like the mirthless atmosphere enveloping the group either. Frowning doesn't suite them, maybe except Justin, but still. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. How is he going to lift their spirits. . . ? An imaginary bulb lit up above his head with a boisterous ping. Of course, he's the only one who heard that.

"Hey guys!" He called out, catching the attention of everyone in the corridor. "What do you think we'll see out there?" The orange haired boy asked.

"A bunch of monsters waiting on the other side, claws raised and teeth bared, ready to pounce on us the second we step out of the Ruins." Justin said with a catatonic expression. Jaede yelped in horror and Viorel looked petrified.

"Don't scare them Justin." Alice rolled his eyes. "Certainly not all monsters are like that. I mean, does Dad look like a cannibalistic barbarian to you?"

Everyone stared at Alice, crickets singing in the background.

"Thanks for the nightmare fuel, Liz." Gerard mock shuddered.

"The heck, Jerry!" Alice huffed, crossing her arms. "I'm defending Dad."

"But he can't unthink of it now." Saturn sniggered. "You know Jerry has a vivid imagination."

Alice facepalmed. Jaede giggled even though the image of a savage and cruel Asgore disturbed her. Their goat dad is too fluffy and nice to hurt a fly. On cue, all evil Asgores across various AUs felt their sins crawling on their backs.

"Good reason, horrible example." Chara commented. He glanced at the only blunette in the hallway. "What about you, Viorel?" He doesn't want to call them by their nicknames yet. It feels too informal to do so to people you just met two days ago.

Said boy raised his sketchbook with a huge question mark scribbled on the current page. It seems that he failed notice the conversation going on at the moment.

"What do you think we'll see outside the Ruins?" Chara repeated Gerard's question.

Viorel thought for a moment before writing something on the next page.

"Pretty sceneries." Chara read.

Jaede smiled, no longer looking as sad as before. "That sounds lovely."

Alice raised a brow at that though. "A pretty scenery underground?"

"Who knows?" Saturn shrugged nonchalantly. "There might be a field of glowing blue flowers that have the ability to repeat the last sounds they have been exposed to, kind of like echoes."

Alice's brow inched a little higher. "That's oddly specific."

"I was actually thinking of an underground river, or something similar to that." Viorel wrote before showing it to his companions.

"That makes more sense." Justin agreed.

"What about you Chara?" Gerard questioned the red eyes brunette.

An Underswap AU: A Tale of Seven Book 1Where stories live. Discover now