Entry# 39: Unwanted Recollections Plus A Trip Though The Junkyard

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"It sounds like it came from over here. . ."

"Oh! You've fallen down, haven't you. . ."

"Are you okay? Here, get up. . ."

". . ."

"Frisk huh? That is a nice name. My name is. . ."

✨ • ✨ • ✨

That's not the only memory that flashed before Chara's eyes. Seven more rolled in a sequence, like age-old short clips being played on an antique projector.

✨ • ✨ • ✨

". . . Get up! Come on! On your feet!"

"I swear, you're hopeless."

"Why the boss thinks you've got tons of potential, I've got no idea."

"Listen here, runt, it's a dog-eat-dog world. The survival of the fittest. If you're not strong enough, you'll end up a punching bag, or even worse, dead."

"Like the rest of those idiots in the Red Room."

". . ."

"Do I make myself clear, C-2069?"

". . . Yes sir."

"Good, very good. Now, on your feet! You're not done with your training yet."

✨ • ✨ • ✨

"Aren't you going to bid mom and dad goodbye?"

"They leave all the time. Why should I bother?"

"Brother. . ."

"What? It's true. . ."

". . . One day they might not come back. Just be glad they still do."

✨ • ✨ • ✨

"You're leaving again?"

"The base called us, sweetie. They said it's urgent."

"Okay. . ."

"Where's your brother?"

"He's still asleep."

"Alright, now Uncle Owen will come over to watch over you while we're away. Although he's going to bring food, you can reheat the carbonara in the fridge if you want. Do your chores, don't let strangers into the house and be on your best behavior."

"Yes Momma. . . You're going to be back in time for our birthday, right?"

"Of course. Your Papa and I wouldn't miss it for the world."

✨ • ✨ • ✨

"Goodnight, Milady."

"Goodnight. . . Um, Miss Bella?"


"Where are mother and father?"

"Tending your older brother, Milady."

". . . I see. . ."

"If you want, I can read the story for you."

"There is no need, Miss Bella. I am old enough to read it myself."

An Underswap AU: A Tale of Seven Book 1Where stories live. Discover now