Entry # 43: h0I thEre!!

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"awwAwa cute!! (pets u)" Temmie chittered, one arm stretching like a rubber band.

"Never have I seen and heard such a gratuitous pronunciation and grammar of the English language!" Alice exclaimed in horror, sidestepping to avoid Temmie's paw.

"C'mon Liz, it's just one sentence." Gerard rolled his fiery orange irises with a thoroughly amused grin.

"Two, remember the previous chapter?" Saturn snickered, watching as Temmie's arm made a loop around their group. The cat(dog) monster seemed to have recalled Chara's allergy, and purposefully avoided coming into contact with the DETERMINATION boy.

"What previous chapter?" Viorel signed. "We're not in a fanfic." The blunette noticed a certain paw inching near his soul and evaded it.

"Heh heh heh. . . You have no idea." Saturn laughed creepily.

Temmie ended up poking Jaede's vibrant green soul, earning a startled (and pained) yelp from the brunette girl. Her HP lowered, Jaede fell on the ground with a soft thud. Temmie immediately withdrew her paw in surprise.

"Hey!" Justin yelled, ready to march towards the small Monster to give her an earful.

Alice grabbed his arm. "Hold your horses, Just."

Justin bristled not unlike an angry kitty. "But she–"

"Surely it was an accident." The blonde reasoned.

Temmie squealed and proceeds to glomp Jaede.

"Heh heh, cute!" The younger twin giggled, scratching the area behind Temmie's cat ears.

"nuuu! u cUte!" Temmie countered, nuzzling the girl's shoulder.

Whilst the others debated on which course of action they should take in order to make Temmie sparable ("Should we feed her Tem Flakes?" Gerard suggested. "We have no Tem Flakes in our inventories, Jerry." Justin grumbled), Chara pointed out that Temmie's name is already yellow. Groaning in unison at the oversight (Viorel merely facepalmed), they pressed the *Spare button and ended the battle.

Once their surroundings returned to normal, Temmie had disappeared. Mildly perplexed, Jaede hopped on her feet and scanned the terrain for a certain cat(dog). "Huh? Where did she go?"

"Just like every other Monster we've faced so far. . ." Saturn mused, a curious sparkle in her nightshade purple irises.

"Come on, let's not fritter away time." Chara urged, strolling ahead while wiping his nose using Jaede's bandanna. The boy sighed in relief once the sneezing and the tears subsided, then he gazed at the cloth he held in his hand thoughtfully. He has to find a laundry shop to wash his snot off. And he knows just where he could find the nearest one.

"And here I thought I'm supposed to be leading since I read the atlas." Saturn chirped, rushing after the red eyed brunette.

Although disappointed that she might not be able to see or play with Temmie again, Jaede followed her siblings out of the cascades and into a forest of giant mushrooms that emit a soft blue glow.

While watching Chara solve the mushroom puzzle in an astonishingly quick pace, the group ran into a duo of Moldsmal (yet again). While the first one was easily dealt with, the second one evolved into a Moldbugg when the kids (most of them unwillingly) pressed the *Flirt option.

"Okay, now what!?" Gerard screeched as he dodged the exploding white bullets. None of them managed to hit Chara. Typical of him.

"Moldbugg says he needs some distance!" Jaede yelled, ducking to avoid a bullet zooming towards her head.

An Underswap AU: A Tale of Seven Book 1Where stories live. Discover now