Entry # 50: Saturn Annoying Her Siblings For More Than Half Of This Chapter

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"Hey, Frisk, what's your wish?"

Chara's ear perked at the sound of his own voice.

"Why the sudden question? . . . Oh, that urban legend? Those are just flowers. They won't be able to grant wishes."

He doesn't really want to listen to that. Nope, he doesn't. No. And yet for some reason, the brunette stayed rooted on the spot, allowing his companions to walk ahead of him.

"But there's no harm in telling."

"Apart from the fact that Monsters passing by might hear your deepest darkest secrets?"

"You're such a killjoy."

He remembered pouting at those words, while Frisk's lips quirked into an amused smile. With a sigh, Chara murmured. "Had you said the words, I would've. . ."

"Would've what?"

"GAH!" Chara screeched, jumping backwards when a certain dark haired girl suddenly popped out of nowhere. "Saturn, what the heck!?"

"I just noticed you weren't in the main group." Said girl giggled before snatching his hand. "C'mon, the sooner we get to a settlement we can take a break in, the sooner you'll finish that chapter and hand the book back to me." With that she started pulling the brunette along.

Chara rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, you troll."

Saturn's response was a delighted cackle.

✨ • ✨ • ✨

Once they reached dry land, Alice stared at her soaked black doll shoes and white knee-length socks in dismay. She should've searched for rain boots in the stores they've entered. If only she had known than nearly half of the Underground is flooded. . . "I swear, Saturn didn't mention this on purpose." She thought with a mirthless grumble. "She has the accursed atlas, for Pete's sake!"

"Hey guys! Another glyph!" Jaede called, running towards the mossy slab of stone pinned on the wall.

"How many of those things are there?" Justin murmured.

"In general, or a specific amount?" Saturn chirped.

Justin narrowed his eyes. "How did you know the specific amount?"

"Atlas." Saturn shrugged.

"And yet you did not tell us that this area of the Underground is partially submerged in water." Alice said.

The dark haired PERSEVERANCE girl beamed innocently, deciding not to grace her older sister a reply.

". . . You just wanted to see our reactions, don't you?" Alice deadpanned.

Saturn's smile grew wider. "Perhaps."

The PATIENCE girl's jaw dropped. "Specifically my reaction, especially back at that abhorrent dump site!"

The smile on her face turned into a s*school*t-eating grin.

Alice groaned while Justin facepalmed. "I swear, you're incorrigible!" The blonde exclaimed.

"Well, since they're too busy acting like they never lived with Saturn and endured her pranks for years, I'll read the glyph." Chara stated before clearing his throat. "However, there is a prophecy. The Angel. . . The one who has seen the Surface. . . With the Last Six Endings, they will return. And the Underground will go empty."

"Didn't Gerson already told us that story?" Gerard said.

". . . Do you think we're the ones in the prophecy?" Jaede asked absentmindedly. Everyone looked at her. "I-It's just a thought!" The KINDNESS girl stammered.

An Underswap AU: A Tale of Seven Book 1Where stories live. Discover now