Entry # 30: A Sleepover With The Skele-Siblings Of Snowdin

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Shortly after their brief horseplay, Sans, Lux and the children arrived at a two storey wooden house located near the edge of town. Layers of snow covered the rooftop, and multicolored Christmas Lights emblazoned the porch. A Christmas Wreath is hanging on the front door. A balcony can be seen protruding on the right side of the house. One of the mailboxes beside it is overflowing with unread junk mail.

Sans opened the door and looked back at the humans gathered in front of the house. "DON'T BE SHY! COME INSIDE!" One by one, the skeleton siblings and the children, in the order that they fell into the Underground, walked into the cozy home. Chara, the last person to enter, closed the door behind him. Lux rushed upstairs to prepare the extra mattresses.

"YOU CAN ALL SLEEP IN MY ROOM!" Sans motioned to a blue door on the second floor, nearest to the staircase. The door in the middle is princess pink in color, which the group assumed where Lux resides, and the final door standing at the end of the corridor must be Papyrus'. Saturn wondered how and why fire is seeping from under the doorway of the tall skeleton's bedroom. "THREE OF YOU CAN SHARE MY BED, AND THE REST CAN SLEEP ON THE SPARE MATTRESSES!" Sans said.

"I call dibs on the bed!" Gerard called out.

Justin elbowed him with a reprimanding glare. "Be a gentleman and let the girls have the bed."

"But I don't want to take away anybody's bed." Jaede objected.

"It's just for the sleepover, Jaede." Alice assured the green eyed girl. "It won't be permanent."


Soon enough, his older brother is leaning against the open doorway, a drum with cymbals attached slung over his shoulders via a leather strap. The flames below his door vanished. "i finally found out why no one finds my cheesy jokes and puns good." Papyrus announced.

"BECAUSE THEY ARE TERRIBLE?" Sans looked hopeful. Had his brother came to his senses?

"no, it's because they are all. . ." He paused for a dramatic effect. "laughtose intolerant." Badumtss!, goes his drum and cymbals when he struck them with drumsticks.

Gerard and Chara fell on the floor, howling in boisterous laughter. Saturn, chortling at the joke, had to grab the nearby table for support. Jaede giggled while Justin groaned in irritation. He looked ready to pull off all the hair on his scalp. Alice, to put it bluntly, is very unamused. Viorel, however, didn't get the joke and stared at Papyrus with a puzzled countenance.

"PAAAAPPSSSS!!! NOT THAT KIND OF HELLO!!!" Sans screeched. If he had veins, all of them would've popped by now. Papyrus winked at the group before retreating into his room and locking the door. The fire underneath the said door resumed to burn.

"Big brother! The mattresses are already laid out in your room." Lux said as she walked down the stairs.

"THANK YOU SIS!" Sans smiled at her before screaming a statement directed to a certain lazy skeleton. "AT LEAST SOMEONE HERE IS INDUSTRIOUS!"

"What do we do first? Stories, snacks or movies?" Saturn queried, recovered from her laughing session earlier.

Justin's stomach growled, rather loudly to be honest. Gerard snorted at that while helping a still chuckling Chara to stand on his feet. "Someone's hungry." He teased, poking the side of the yellow eyed boy's stomach for a good measure. Justin swatted Gerard's finger away before the orange head can poke him a second time.

"I personally believe we should eat first." Justin cleared his throat, a barely discernable blush invading his cheeks.

"We can eat while telling stories." Viorel suggested, raising his sketchpad for everyone to see.

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