Entry # 41: The Worst Things Imaginable Are Done With The Best Intentions

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Secrets buried too deep will someday worm it's way to the surface, like a swimmer who can't hold his breath any longer.

Alice is learning that lesson first-hand today.

Falling into the Underground gave her a clean slate: an opportunity to start over, to leave the past behind her. Down here, she doesn't have to be Alice Eirwen Wright: second-born daughter of the CEO of the largest business conglomerate in Forneus and first-place failure in the eyes of her so-called family.

Down here, she's just Alice: a normal human girl from the Surface who got adopted by the kindhearted guardian of the Ruins (if the blonde was dramatic, she would say that Asgore is the father she desperately craved for). In the process, she gained three older siblings and three younger siblings, all of whom she loved moreso than her biological brother (even if they act like a bunch of crazy hooligans sometimes. But, maybe that's why she enjoyed their company. None of them wore callous and frosty masks).

The mere thought that three of them were explicitly associated with her late father's "part-time job" made her stomach churn. She didn't expect her past to rear it's ugly head so soon.

Generals Xanthic and Veronica Mindaro. . . her father had always raved about them with spine-chilling animosity and disdain. He spoke of their names so venomously, a king cobra would be envious. Alice nearly laughed at the irony. Who knew she'd become siblings with their children years later? The way the world works is hilarious.

Another memory nagged her at the back of her mind, something that stayed imbedded in her memory even if several years had passed since their fateful encounter: a hazy image of a young boy with soulless, apathetic eyes. Sanctum's Weapon, she thought with a shudder. Look at him and he appears to be an ordinary child to the naked eye. Look closer and one can see a perfect assassin hidden beneath that innocent face.

Look even closer and he seems familiar. Very familiar.

Funny how he looks exactly like-

Her blood ran cold. Was that boy Gerard?

Impossible, Alice scowled furiously. Gerard's soul is normal, a brilliant shade of fiery orange that signifies his BRAVERY trait. The soul of the supposed weapon is inverted.

Then the next thing she knew, the roof exploded.

Snapping out of her trance, the PATIENCE girl gazed at the remnants of the ceiling in bewilderment, splinters falling around the her and her speechless companions like a quick rain shower. Mettablook rushed into the room holding a hanger, ready to bludgeon whoever the intruder is with it. He noticed the gaping hole overhead, and sighed in relief.

"alphys and sans must be cooking again. . . happens all the time. . ." The ghost assured, setting the hanger on a nearby table.

Justin stared at him. "Alphys lives around here?"

Saturn raised a brow. "Alphys wrecked your roof with her cooking before?"

"she's my neighbor. . . debris from her cooking lessons with sans sometimes. . . finds its way through my roof. . ." Mettablook replied sheepishly. The children stiffened at his answer. ". . . did i say something wrong?" He asked, puzzled by their negative reactions, especially Jaede's terrified expression. Realization hit him soon enough, his confusion turning into dread and then shame. "w-was she. . . ?" The ghost stammered. ". . . oh. . . oh . . . I'm sorry. . . she was. . . after you, isn't she. . . ?" He suddenly felt like an idiot, leading deers dangerously close to the hunter's den.

"It's alright, we didn't tell you and you didn't know." Jaede spoke comfortingly.

Gerard cleared his throat, changing the subject before the situation turns into another drama fest. "About our clothes. . ."

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