Entry # 33: Garden of Forgotten Wishes

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Warning: Mentions of blood up ahead.

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As soon as Sans left, the rustling within the seagrass alerted the reptilian monster. The children tensed when he summoned a gigantic axe out of thin air, menacing dark irises scanning the meadow for any sign of movement. Sweat trickled down their temples as the fallen humans stared up at the armored monster, none of them daring to move a muscle nor utter a single word. Except Justin, who unsheathed his revolver, ready to run or fight if necessary; and Chara, who started muttering an almost incoherent tirade under her breath.

"This was easier when I was travelling alone," was the only sentence Viorel understood in the red eyed boy's mumbling. The rest are just a bunch of senseless noises and colorful language. "Travelling alone?" The thought pulled Viorel out of his frightened stupor. "What does he mean by that. . . ?"

Jaede's brows furrowed the longer she looked at the Monster. She could've sworn she saw him before. . . but she can't pinpoint when and where. . . And how. And why there's blood on his armor and axe. She bit back a scream and closed her eyes. The KINDNESS girl opened them at the sound of the axe dematerializing. The blood had disappeared, which sent chills crawling all over Jaede's skin.

The Monster stepped back and slowly disappeared in the shadows of the Waterfall. As to whether he saw them or not remains ambiguous. The group then scrambled out of the tall seagrass, dusting their clothes.

"Alright, who moved?" Alice spoke, cringing at the amount of dirt on her attire.

Before any of his companions can answer, another reptilian monster bolted out of the grass. Considering his small stature and high pitched voice, he must be a kid around Lux's age. Saturn scanned him from head to toe, then asked the question she really wanted to ask for a very long time.

"What the hell happened to your arms?"

Jaede gave her a disapproving stare. "Saturn! That's rude!"

"Nah, it's okay!" The monster child assured, before turning to the dark haired girl. "My entire family is born like this, y'know?"

"Must be hard not having hands or arms." Viorel raised his sketchbook.

"It's not that bad." The child replied after reading the blunette's remark. "You just gotta get used to it! I'm Monster Kid, but everyone in Snowdin calls me MK!"

Saturn tilted her head curiously. "If you live in Snowdin, what are you doing all the way out here?"

"To see Alphys silly!" Monster Kid spoke with a toothy grin.

"Alphys?" Justin raised a brow.

"Alphys! The Captain of the Royal Guard! The one talking to my friend's brother earlier!" Monster Kid responded. "Did you see the way she was staring at you guys? That. . . was AWESOME!" He gushed excitedly.

"No, it was scary." Jaede whispered, hugging herself. Is it just her, or is the air around them colder? Even colder than when they were at Snowdin. Beside the brunette, his twin brother frowned worriedly.

"That Monster is a she??" Alice murmured in disbelief.

"I'm SOOOO jealous!" Monster Kid ignored their comments. "What'd you do to get her attention. . . ?" He wondered for a brief moment. The only sounds they heard after that were Alice's facepalm and Chara heaving an exasperated sigh.

"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO CAUGHT HER ATTENTION!" Gerard screeched. Judging by the annoyed expressions plastered on his siblings' faces, they thought the same thing.

An Underswap AU: A Tale of Seven Book 1Where stories live. Discover now