Entry # 54: Da Power Of Friendship And Flying Golden Axes!!

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"This. . . is a terrible idea." Alice muttered as the group stood in front of a house resembling a fish's head, it's mouth the doorway and the two eyes the windows, waiting for a certain chubby skeleton to arrive. Then the blonde facepalmed, exhaling an exhausted sigh. "Scratch that, this is the worst idea in the history of ideas."

They shouldn't be here. They really shouldn't. . . And even so. . . it felt right. Being here. Like this is how everything was meant to be. The thought spooked Alice to the core of her Soul. That's not what she should be feeling in front of a literal lion's den. In front of a place that could very well spell the end for her and her siblings' life subscriptions.

She'd rather live a little while longer (disregarding the fact that this is not what she had in mind when she climbed Mt. Ebott a decade ago).

"Definitely." Viorel nodded, glaring at the moss green stone brick lair like it had dishonored him, his family and his cow in the worst way possible. Justin huffed in agreement, crossing his arms. At least his hand is not on his revolver's handle. Jaede shifted her position slightly to somewhat behind her twin brother. Surprisingly, she's not against this. Unsurprisingly, she's not exactly comfortable with staying in the same room as the person who nearly killed the group a couple of times.

"Disappointing Sans is like kicking a puppy. And no one wants to kick a puppy." Chara said

"Unless that puppy is leading us to some sort of trap for his murderous lizard friend." Justin muttered.

"Just, I don't think Sans is that kind of person." Jaede said.

"Plus, the rustbucket owes us. We'll live." Gerard added.

The yellow eyes brunette narrowed his eyes. "You put way too much faith in the Captain's honor."

"And you, way too much doubt in our friend." Chara retorted. Justin looked away.

Alphys is indeed way too honorable for her own good. If it's not the oath then her own pride and moral compass will stop her from hurting them after they helped her.

Sans, on the other hand, never has a single bad bone on his entire body. He'd never hurt anyone, no matter how annoying or vile or terrible they are.

And speaking of the previous Royal Scientist's middle child. . .

"OHOHO, YOU GUYS HAVE ARRIVED MUCH EARLIER THAN EXPECTED!" Sans spoke as he approached the group with a sunny smile that can melt all the ice in the Solar System.

"Hi Sans!" Saturn and Jaede waved.

"Hey!" Chara greeted.

"Yo!" Gerard exclaimed.

Viorel merely raised his hand in greeting. Justin and Alice just gave the chubby skeleton a judgemental stare.

Sans chuckled nervously at the intensity of their gaze. "A-ARE YOU READY TO HANG OUT WITH ALPHYS? I HAVE A PLAN TO MAKE YOU GUYS GREAT FRIENDS!"

*Yes           *No

"Yep." The did-not-forget trio pressed the right one enthusiastically.

"Yeah. . ." Jaede trailed off, doing the same thing.

"Well, we're here aren't we?" Justin muttered, pressing yes.

Viorel didn't bother signing. He and Alice chose the first option with a blank face.

"OKIE DOKIE! STAND BEHIND ME!" Sans said, putting himself in between the children and the door.

"Its not like his height can cover us." Alice mumbled. Jaede elbowed her lightly.

"At least we have a meat shield against the lizard lady." Saturn quipped.

An Underswap AU: A Tale of Seven Book 1Where stories live. Discover now