Entry # 13: ASGORE

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My fear grew the moment there are six.


Only one last Human Soul to complete the set. The rarest and most powerful trait.

. . . .

Viorel is indeed mute, just as I suspected. He communicates with us through sign language and writing on any writable surface. An INTEGRITY soul's inability to lie well is in their nature, henceforth this is a trait easy to lose if a human isn't emotionally and morally strong. It is something I witnessed on Viorel a couple of times, though he always gains his INTEGRITY back as quickly as he had lost it.

Viorel mean "bluebell", a kind of flower with the same color as his soul. While toying with the names of his adoptive siblings, Gerard noticed that the first two letters of Viorel's name, Vi, stands for "six" in Roman Numerals. Interesting.

Saturn, compared to the more reserved personalities of Alice and Jaede, is much more jovial and outgoing. She is always curious about everything and everyone around her. She is almost as loud as Gerard when she is pestering an unfortunate someone with heaps upon heaps of questions.

According to Alice, Saturn is a gaseous planet orbiting the Sun between Jupiter and Uranus. It is titled the "Jewel of the Solar System" because of it's beautiful rings.

Gerard, however, jokingly stated that Saturn is the Roman name of a Greek Titan who devoured his own children. . . My first thought was: "Who would name their children after an immortal cannibal?"

I think Alice's explanation is much more. . . plausible. . .

That aside, the reason Viorel climbed Mt. Ebott is written plain all over his body. Just like Gerard, those wounds are intentional, though not as severe.

Saturn's reason though, still remains a mystery till this very day.

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