Entry # 18: Those Who Never Forgot

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Saturn dragged him across the Ruins, past similar green walls, rows of golden flowers and pathways showered with dried leaves, until they reached the room where the Fire Bar Sale is located. The flames selling burgers and fries won't reignite until tomorrow, leaving the place empty and suitable for a discussion that should be done away from prying eyes.

"Alright, what's the fuss about, Sati?" Gerard questioned, ripping his arm out of her grasp. "There better be a good reason why you dragged me away from Dad's cake." He crossed his arms, irritation written plainly on his face.

Saturn met his gaze with steely amethyst irises. "Stop playing around, Gerard. I know you never forgot.

The orange headed boy raised a puzzled brow. "Hmm?"

"I know you remember, all those timelines, every RESET." She hissed the last word venomously, speaking like she swallowed lit coal. "Our soul colors are the closest to the hue of DETERMINATION in the spectrum. It's only a matter of time before our memories become annoyingly ripple proof!" Her voice reverberated loud and clear inside the vacant room.

The silent tension after that is so thick that a knife can cut through it.

An ominous shadow loomed over Gerard's forehead. It is replaced by a cocksure smile moments later. ". . . So what if I never forgot?"

"So what?" Saturn gaped in disbelief. "So what!? You're just going to let that guy roam the Ruins scott free!?" She ranted angrily. "You and I both know what they did to everyone's lives, what they did to our lives. Human or Monster, we trapped in an endless loop in time because of that stupid button! And you're not going to confront them about it!?"

"Sat, you do know that it was Frisk controlling Chara's body right?" Gerard reasoned, suppressing the urge to bark back at her. Considering his hot-blooded personality, it is pretty hard to keep his temper at bay.

Saturn raised her hands out of aggravation. "He still chose the role of a doormat!"

"They haven't tried to do something funny yet." Gerard countered, the dam keeping his anger in check cracking. His following statement would've made his old self laugh. "It's best to watch how things will play out before we take action."

"Usually it's you who charges headfirst at the sight of danger. Are you scared?" Saturn dared to take one step forward, pointing an accusing finger at him.

The dam bursted. Left eye twitching, Gerard slapped her hand away and glared at her, his once amiable orange orbs furiously piercing straight through her soul. "Reckless I am, but dumb I am not. Don't be a hypocrite, you're scared of them too." He sneered. For a split second, Saturn thought she saw HATE instead of Gerard. "Our traits don't stand a chance against DETERMINATION and you know it." He continued in an uncharacteristic display of bitterness.

It is very tempting to point out that she isn't as pure as she appears to be, but he decided against it. It's not like he's innocent either.

Gerard returned to his senses upon seeing the terror on Saturn's face. The same terror that consumed her upon witnessing FEAR and HATE reduce her best friend into a mindless puppet on strings. The orange haired boy took a step backwards and reprimanded himself. "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" He muttered under his breath harshly. With a frustrated groan, he flopped on the ground like a starfish on the beach. Saturn lay down beside him without a word, arms under her head.

Another silent tension swept over them. This time, Gerard is having none of it, his pride be damned. If no one is going to apologize then this ridiculous charade will never end. He can't imagine another timeline of avoiding her, especially if they're going to live under the same roof again.

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