Entry # 24: Into The Frozen Woodland

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Once Sans is out of sight and earshot, Alice stood up and angrily slapped Gerard on the shoulder.

"Owwiiee!" Gerard rubbed the sore spot and glared at the blonde. "What's that for!?"

"For laughing rambunctiously while we're hiding from a human hunting fanatic." Alice hissed, dusting the snow off her clothing.

"You're the one who nearly gave away our location first." Gerard pointed out with a huff.

Alice opened her mouth to retort, but then she closed it. He told the truth after all. "I . . . I apologize for my behavior earlier." She spoke abashed, tints of pink creeping on her cheeks.

"It's okay!" Jaede responded, always the first one to forgive. "We all make mistakes sometimes. Besides, Sans didn't notice us and we're safe."

"Eh, we are also giggling at the puns ourselves." Chara said guiltily. "So you're not the only one to blame."

Alice seemed unconvinced, but she nodded anyway. If they say it's alright, then it's alright. . . Right?

"hey, you kids can come out now." Papyrus called.

The children emerged from behind the convenient armchairs and walked towards the tall skeleton.

"you oughta get going. he might come back." Papyrus warned. "and if he does. . . you'll have to sit through more of my hilarious jokes." He grinned, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket.

"I don't mind." Gerard smiled back, a mischievous glint in his orange eyes. Chara and Saturn nodded vigorously.

"Let's leave." Justin replied curtly. In an act of self-preservation, he turned around, snatched his sister's hand and walked away hastily in an instant. Jaede waved at Papyrus as her brother dragged her away.

The rest bid the skeleton goodbye and followed the twins. Saturn lagged behind to take a peek at the sentry station. She didn't get to do that in the previous timelines. There are bottles of honey, caramel syrup and different types of bread spreads sitting inside. Satisfied, she ran after the group and eventually caught up.

"actually, hey wait a minute." Papyrus spoke. The children stopped in their tracks and stared at him questioningly. "hate to bother ya, but can you do me a favor? i was thinking. . . my brother's been kind of down lately. he's never seen a human before and seeing you kids might just make his day." He saw Justin raise a brow at this. "don't worry, he's not dangerous. even if he tries to be." The skeleton assured.

The siblings looked at each other, silently coming to an agreement before returning their gazes at him. "Sure thing." Chara replied.

"thanks a million. i'll be up ahead." With that, Papyrus vanished into thin air.

"Wow! He can teleport!?" Viorel raised his sketchbook excitedly, sparkles of admiration shining in his navy blue irises.

"Uh huh." Saturn said, her vision fixated on the place where tall skeleton used to stand.

"Are you sure we're not going to get into trouble because of that. . . Monster?" Alice queried. It felt like they trusted him too easily. What if he's planning something terrible?

"He seemed nice." Jaede professed.

"Everything always seems nice to you." Gerard deadpanned.

"I agree with Jerry on that point." Justin crossed his arms.

Jaede puffed her cheeks in defiance. But deep in her soul, she knew they are right. She would never pass off anyone as beyond redeemable. Jaede believes that every soul has at least a speck of good in them, no matter how tiny it is. The people on the Surface see this belief of hers as stupid and unrealistic. However, she knew that it isn't impossible if they try to love and forgive instead of hate and destroy.

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