Entry # 26: Puzzles, Puzzles, More Puzzles And The Feline Faction

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The children arrived at the next puzzle of the skele-bros, design by Papyrus himself according to Sans. Considering his rather lackadaisical attitude, and the fact that he is helping them for some reason, they weren't expecting anything grand or full of effort. Their hunch was proven true when they only saw a piece of paper on the ground. . . and nothing else. . .

"trust me. there's no way they'll get past this one." Papyrus assured his upset brother with half-baked confidence.

The kids approached the paper and Chara nimbly picked it up. He saw that it is the same word search puzzle in the original timeline. Over the course of the RESETS after his last Pacifist run, the words needed to be found constantly change so he (and Frisk) never really bothered to solve it. It would be a waste of time. Therefore, seeing the original puzzle. . . mildly surprised him.

"Viorel, may I borrow a colored pencil?" Alice requested. When the blunette glanced at her questioningly, she explained. "I'm going to solve it."

Chara handed her the puzzle and Viorel lended her a cyan colored pencil. The blonde found all the words in a jiffy and gave the paper to Papyrus.

 The blonde found all the words in a jiffy and gave the paper to Papyrus

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"wow, that was quick." Papyrus grinned in amusement.


"ooops. i knew I should have used today's crossword instead." Papyrus didn't look apologetic the slightest.

"WHAT!? CROSSWORD!?" Sans looked like he had been slapped in the face. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SAID THAT!! IN MY OPINION. . . JUNIOR JUMBLE IS EASILY THE HARDEST."

"what? really, dude?" Papyrus said in a teasing tone. "that easy-peasy word scramble? that's for baby bones."

"UN. BELIEVABLE." Sans scoffed before turning to the children. "HUMANS!!! SOLVE THIS DISPUTE!"

"Crossword. Junior Jumble is a piece of cake." Alice flipped her bangs.

"Crossword." Justin answered curtly.

"Ummm. . . . Junior Jumble." Jaede replied after a moment of contemplation. She doesn't do word scrambles or word searches, so she merely answered what she thought would appease the chubby skeleton.

"Junior Jumble." Gerard responded.

"Junior Jumble it is." Saturn conceded. She still thinks Crosswords are harder though.

"Crossword." Viorel wrote on his sketchpad. He did try to write Junior Jumble, unfortunately, he's horrible at the lying department. His hands won't cooperate with him if he dared to scribble or sign falsehoods.

"It's Junior Jumble." Chara spoke with certainty.

"So four against three. Junior Jumble is harder by split decision." Justin proclaimed.

The result naturally pleased the shorter skeleton. "HA! HA! YES! HUMANS ARE VERY INTELLIGENT IF THEY ALSO FIND JUNIOR JUMBLE SO DIFFICULT! MWEH HEH HEH HEH HEH!" He dashed out of sight, laughing triumphantly.

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