The Obligatory Covid-19 Entry

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A/N I could not resist (^ω^)

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A/N I could not resist (^ω^)

Just a little something I thought of while observing my family's antics during the community quarantine.

Remember to stay at home, wash your hands and keep yourselves updated about the latest news regarding COVID-19!


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The Things They Do During A Community Quarantine:

Gerard: Is pretty much "meh" about the entire situation, but he will still conform to the rules of the quarantine. He will spend the majority of his days lounging on his bed while looking at Corona Virus memes and parodies on Google and YouTube.

Justin: Takes the quarantine seriously, but not to the extent of Alice and Frisk (see below). Absolutely conforms to the rules, especially that of social distancing and washing hands. Helps his sister and parents budget money and food. Will threaten to shoot anyone who approaches the house in less than five meters.

Jaede: Spends the majority of her time helping her parents around the house. Helps on budgeting money and food, and absolutely conforms to the rules like her brother. Sometimes would jokingly threaten to cast a barrier around the house if someone in their community obtains COVID-19.

Alice: Cleans every nook and cranny of the house and herself like the ultimate germophobe. Makes everyone wash their hands every hour, apply alcohol every thirty minutes and take a bath everytime they return from the outside world. Will. Not. Tolerate. The disobedience of physical distancing.

Viorel: The quarantine doesn't really bother him much, considering he spends most of his time doing some artsy stuff inside the house. Once he's done with that, however, he will binge watch every single episode of any anime he gets his hands on while snacking on stashes of blueberries and ice cream.

Saturn: Is pretty much "meh" about the entire situation, but she will still conform to the rules of the quarantine. She will sing a bunch of COVID-19 parody songs everytime she gets the chance, especially while Alice is cleaning.

Frisk: Barricades the house in preparation for WAR, will most definitely abandon ship at the sight and sound of someone coughing and keeps herself squeaky clean (though not to the point of absolutely germophobic like Alice).

Chara: Still Chara. He just doesn't go outside of the house.

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