The Obligatory Among Us Entry

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A/N Something that came to me while I was awake at 3 AM XD.
I apologize for the lack of updates recently. Required college credentials, two clingy younger sisters and this very addicting online game are currently devouring my time. I will try my best to update at least once or twice a month, however. But for now, enjoy this 3 AM thought entry.

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Gerard: Utilizes 100% of his brain and gaming experience everytime he plays. He makes clever use of the admin and security as a Crewmate and the vents and sabotage functions as an Imposter. He is perpetually on the winning side: rarely (if ever) gets caught as the killer, usually survives as a Crewmate and almost always figures out who the Impostor is through empirical investigation and proof. His siblings wish he'd use 100% of his brain in real life too.

Justin: The voice of reason and logic, as well as the amateurs sleuth; never blames/suspects anyone without concrete evidence. Once he's done with all of his tasks, he'll roam the area in search for the Imposter. This makes him pretty hard to corner since he's always on the move, investigating everyone's activities and movements. As an Imposter, his animation while killing someone is shooting the victim with his revolver.

Jaede: Always one of the last surviving Crewmates because almost no one has the guts to stab such a kind soul. On the contrary, because of her angelic nature, no one would ever suspect that she's the killer. As an Imposter, however, she prefers the use of sabotage on reactors, O2 and seismic stabilizers to win over killing the crew since she never has the intestinal fortitude to hurt someone, be it in a game or in real life.

Alice: The chill gamer. Doesn't actively hunt for the Imposter and takes time in doing her tasks. Often stays in the security or admin so she can monitor the movements of her fellow players. Like Justin, he never blames anyone without any empirical proof, and if blamed she always has a verifiable alibi. As an Impostor, she likes utilizing the sabotage options for the lights and the doors.

Viorel: As a Crewmate, he turns the game into something akin to Danganronpa/Ace Attorney; leads the discussion and voting events. Helps everyone piece the genuine evidences together to create verifiable accusations and avoid the ejection of innocents. You can always rely on him to tell and search for the truth. On the flip side, this makes him a TERRIBLE Imposter.

Saturn: The troll: names herself purple when he skin isn't purple, wastes the emergency button, stands beside dead bodies, follows people around to creep them out and does other weird stuff. It's pretty hard to tell whether she's an Imposter or a Crewmate, and it's hard to pin the blame on her since she always has a concrete alibi. She'll be thoroughly entertained if the players started blaming one another for absolutely petty reasons.

Chara: Finishes all of his tasks quickly before retreating to crowded areas as a Crewmate. Although he uses the "safety in numbers" motto, he still won't trust anyone unless they scanned at the Medbay, or does a task in front of him. For some reason, he always gets tasks in the Electrical Area, and he always dies there too. As an Imposter, his animation while killing someone is stabbing the victim with a swiss army knife. He is also an expert on stack kills.

Frisk: Everyone unanimously ejects her first, whether she's the Imposter or not. Then she hacks her way back and makes everyone's lives miserable.

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