The Obligatory Halloween Entry

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A/N Just as I've mentioned beforehand, updates will be slower than usual (Wow, my cousins weren't exaggerating when they said college is a lot of work), at least once a month.

Fear not, the story will continue and I'll try my best not to put it under temporary hiatus unless absolutely necessary. Thank you for understanding.

Now, on with this entry!

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The Fallen Children In A Horror Movie:
The Protagonist who survives to tell the tale: Chara

The Protagonist who dies at the end of the story: Asriel

The supporting character whose survival chances are higher than the Protagonist's: Alice

The reasonable authority figure no one listens to: Justin

The one who thinks it is safe, but it isn't: Jaede

The idiot who never listens and goes off alone: Gerard

That one girl who knows everything, but doesn't say anything: Frisk

The first victim: Viorel

The villain all along: Saturn

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Guess the Costume:
Gerard: The love child of a bloody peanut and the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who.

Justin: A cowboy who tries to murder an astronaut for the love and attention of a kid.

Jaede: That one Disney Princess who had a love duet with a villain.

Alice: The sister of a muderous big-headed toddler in a movie whose main character shares the same name as her.

Viorel: An eye patched crossdressing kid with one hell of a butler.

Saturn: An elderly man who tries to posses his grandaughter so he can continue his reign of terror across the galaxy.

Chara: A red jellybean astronaut possessed by a space parasite.

Frisk: A girl whose split personalities are shipped with her mortal enemy's own split personalities.

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During a Horror Movie Marathon:
Screams in absolute terror almost everytime (especially during a jumpscare): Sans, Lux, Asgore, Asriel, Undyne

Covers their eyes whenever something bad is about to happen: Viorel, Jaede, Lux

Clings to the person closest to them: Jaede, Toriel, Sans

Isn't scared during the movie, but gets scared once it's over: Alice, Napstaton

Anticipates and enjoys scenes of torture, trauma and death: Saturn, Gaster

Talks to the characters like the fourth wall is non-existent ("No, no, NO, don't do it!" "You idiot." "Listen to the crazy guy." "RUN, NIGGA, RUN!" "YOU SHOULD'VE AIMED FOR DA HEAD!"): Chara, Undyne, Asriel

Sighs at the blatant idiocy of some characters: Alice, Frisk, River Person

Cheers for the antagonists: Saturn, Frisk

Cheers for the likable protagonists: Chara, Gerard, Jaede, Undyne

Laughs/grins in delight when karma strikes the unlikable characters: Saturn, Frisk, Justin

Yells a big "NO" when the nice people dies/when someone sacrifices themselves for the greater good: Jaede, Alphys, Gerard, Lux

Fear doesn't seem to exist in the vocabulary of this brave bastard (unless the movie revolves around haunted mirrors): Gerard

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