Chapter 16

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This is horrible... but I gotta feed y'all something.
Also do you guys want more Shadam? Cuz I can write more Shadam.

With only a week left before Keith leaves again, the pair are slowly working through the ups and downs of their relationship. With Lance still being jumpy and hesitant and Keith's patience dwindling thin once more, there have been plenty of arguments. Most nights, one of them ends up on the couch. Last night they finally slept in the same bed... but kept to their sides. It's not like either of them wants to fight but we all know both of them are stubborn. They dig their heels in at any given moment over any given subject.

But besides the squabbling and disagreements, they're trying to keep the morning pleasant. Keith was the first to wake up, per usual, and almost immediately got up and went downstairs. Not yet hungry, he sprawled out on the couch and watched YouTube videos until his partner trudged downstairs.

Hearing Lance's heavy footsteps, he calls out, "Good morning sleeping beauty!" Lance only offers a groan like noise and plops onto the couch next to him. Keith scooches towards him and lays his head on the other's lap. Looking up at Lance, he tries his hardest to not start something, "You sleep well?"

He receives a hate-filled glare and takes that as a hard no. Rolling over, Keith turns his attention back to the TV and watches whatever he had on previously. They stay in silence for a while. It seems like hours pass by while YouTube videos play. Eventually, Lance finds his hand in Keith's tangled bed head, combing out knots. Keith moves into the touch and hums, "Whatcha doing?"

"Combing the rats' nest that you like to call hair," Lance states with a subtle hint of sarcasm.

Keith shoots him a glare, "Hey!"

Lance smiles playfully, "I'm messing with you."

"I know," Keith looks back to the TV, "Still a mean thing to say."

Lance hums in agreement and leans back into the couch some more, "You hungry yet?"

"Meh.. Haven't really thought about food yet."

"Well, maybe you should," He continues to run his slender fingers through Keith's hair, "How long have you been up?"

"Like an hour or two."

"And you're still not hungry?"


Lance makes a low growl like hum and shakes his head displeased, "You need to eat something."

Keith clears his throat and speaks fast, "Says the twig."

In response, Lance grabs a hand full of Keith's hair and tugs on it lightly. The other yelps in pain and sends him a glare. Lance untangles his fingers from Keith's hair as the smaller man speaks, "Lets not pull hair outside of the bedroom. Please and thanks."


Lance sets the first plate of French Toast on the kitchen island whilst Keith grabs syrup and butter from the fridge. Turning back to the stove top, Lance opens the second bag of bread and begins the coating the first piece in the egg dish. Throwing the bread into the pan he repeats the process. Attention not wavering in the slightest he fills Keith in on what's happening, "So, mi familia are coming over," He pauses and sighs, annoyed, "Again."

Keith sets the stuff on the counter and leans against the counter next to the stove top, "So that's why you're making so much food."

"Sì," Lance flips the bread, "Can you get the carton of eggs out again? Oh also there should be another pan in the cabinet down here," He taps the cabinet to the left of him with his foot, "If you could get that too that'd be great."

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