Chapter 21

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The next morning, Keith wakes up with Lance draped over him, out cold. Slowly and carefully, he wiggles away slightly. Lance stirs behind him, the arm that was once draped over his form now wrapped around the Korean's waist. Keith huffs and reaches out for his phone. Noticing the notification signal blinking blue, he realizes someone has texted him. Turning the device on, he pulls down the notifications bar and sees an old friend and bandmate texted him. Lazily, he types in the password to the device and clicks on messages. Clicking on the tab that's labeled Acxa, Keith is greeted with a handful of texts.


A: Hey, Keith. Long time no see.
A: I'm guessing you're in America again.
A: Anyways, sorry to bug you. Honestly idk what time it is over there but I needed to talk to you about something.
A: It's nothing about the girls or god forbid Lotor. I have them covered and Narti is doing well so don't worry about her. 
A: Anyways text me when you can.


Keith takes a moment to reply. First off, he's curious about what she's talking about but doesn't know what time it is in Korea right now. After doing some mental math, he decides that it's not that late given Acxa usually goes out with the rest of the group during their bar-hopping shenanigans. It should be around 1 am over there and she texted him around 11 pm Seoul time.


K: Hey, sorry. I just woke up. What did you want to talk about?


He waits a moment, not sure if she'll even reply. To fill the time, he opens Instagram and starts the usual scrolling, liking, and commenting. Out of curiosity, he goes into the klance hashtag to see what the fans have been up to. The usual fanart, edits, fan-cams, and paparazzi photos pop up. There's a lot of little clips of stuff the fans pick up on from the interviews. Someone made a whole edit of all the times the pair got distracted by each other during their various interviews over the past two weeks.

After about 20 minutes he finally gets a notification from Acxa.


A: It's okay. I'm just watching old movies.
K: Not out with the group?
A: Nah, Ezy's in charge tonight. I needed a break from chaperoning them. 
A: I am going to stay up until they get back, tho.
K: So what did you want to talk about?
A: Oh that. Yeah, so I wanted to ask you something.
K: Yes, you're invited to the wedding.
A: Not that.
A: But I will gladly take you up on that offer.
A: Anyways. Yeah so, I've decided that I might, well probably will go solo soon.


Keith is taken back by that. He never thought in a million years, Acxa, out of all people, would break off from the group. She always kept the peace or at least tried. He can see how that's taxing on her but she always seemed fine with it.


K: I never thought I'd hear about you breaking off from the group.
A: Things have gotten worse recently. Narti just got back but doesn't bunk with us anymore. Company gave her, her own apartment. They know what happened but won't acknowledge it any further than that.
K: What about Matt? I thought he'd do something?
A: He did. He's the one that worked things out with the company or at least tried. They're keeping this under wraps but will at least realize and acknowledge the fact that she's not safe. 
A: But yeah, Matt's been trying his hardest. He's been working almost around the clock most of the week. 
K: I feel bad for him.
K: Having to deal with Lotor and his mood swings.
A: That's part of the reasons I want to go solo.
K: I don't blame you.
A: Do you think I should?
K: Of course. I'm sure the company won't be thrilled to hear yet another one of the group members leaving but they'll figure something out.
A: I don't want to abandon the girls with him tho.
A: I get that they aren't my responsibility but who's going to step in if I'm not there?


Keith hadn't thought that far. What would happen if Acxa wasn't there? Then it hits him. A brilliant plan.


K: Get him to go solo.
K: Talk to Matt. Suggest it to him. Then it'll just be you and the girls.
A: That's not a bad idea.
K: If you can get Matt on board he can talk to the company and get Lotor to go solo.
K: AND I AM SURE. Even after everything bad that has happened and the shade surrounding Lotor's name, he'll bring in bank.


Lance stirs awake, tightening his grip around Keith's waist to signal he's awake. Yawning, the American blinks a few times before speaking, voice low and hoarse, "You awake?"

Keith smiles, happy with the plan he thought up, "Yeah."

Setting his phone down on the bed, Keith rolls over, smile still plastered across his face. Lance notices this through his sleep clouded vision, "What's got you so happy this early in the morning."

"I may or may not have ruined or made someone's career."

"Seeing as how you're happy about possibly ruining someone's career, I can only assume you're talking about Lotor."


"Care to explain?"

Keith feels the device behind him vibrate. Turning over partially, he picks it up and sees Axca texted him again. He types in the password and opens up the messages, "Hold that thought." After a few more texts back and forth, he sets the phone aside and sits up, stretching. Turning to Lance and crossing his legs, his smile returns, "Soooo, basically, things in my old group are getting worse-"

"And that's something to be happy about?"

"Hush, I'm not done. Anyways, Axca, the girl with the blue hair, she texted me about how she wanted to go solo to escape Lotor. But then she was like, I'm so worried about the girls. So I told her she should just suggest to Matt that Lotor should go solo."

"Wouldn't that be more work for you if he succeeds and has a successful career as a solo artist?"

Keith rolls his eyes, "So what? He's not gonna be THAT big of a hit. He doesn't have the controversy of a break-up like I did! That's what kept me relevant long enough to keep myself afloat."

"So you're setting him up for failure?"

"He asked for it."

Lance sighs heavily and shakes his head in disapproval, "Sure, but don't stoop to his level."

"I'm not going to."

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