Chapter 13

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Pushing himself back up, Lance studies Keith's face, trying to figure out what he should say next. Keith notices the oh-so-obvious staring and sighs. Turning to Lance, he offers a sympathetic look, "Lance I-... I wanna be here for you right now. But I'm tired of the games."

Lance gives him a confused look, "I still don't fully understand what you mean by games."

Keith groans and runs a hand through his thick raven black hair, "The party your friend hosted a few months ago. You wanted me to be there. It seemed like you wanted to show me off but then you got cold feet, and well, we saw how that turned out."

"I thought I was ready but I wasn't and-"

"That's how it usually is with you," Keith huffs. He realizes that was a bit offensive and adds, "No offense."

"I get it," Lance buries his face in his hands, "I fucked up."

Keith reaches out and rubs small circles on his partner's back, "It wasn't just you," He pauses, "I've been too impatient. I should've guessed this would happen."

"You couldn't have known that things would turn out like this," Lance replies, "So don't beat yourself up over it."

"I have more experience and should've-"

"So what if you have experience? It doesn't mean much since it was with Lowhore."

Keith giggles at the popular nickname they use, "Okay, maybe you're right seeing as all my experience mainly came from being with him. But, that doesn't mean I have no experience. I-"

Lance levels with him, "Your 'experience' is only put to use in bed, Keith."

"Hey!" Keith slaps Lance's arm, his pale cheeks flushing red.

They sit in silence after that for a little as Keith calms down.

"Stupid idea," Lance begins, looking up and out onto the driveway, "What if we just call off the engagement?"


"Just like, wait a little longer until we can figure stuff out," He pauses and looks Keith in the eye, "Together."

"What are you saying?"

"We both know that the suddenness of just completely breaking up took a number out on us, (and the readers)," He digs the ring out of his pocket, studying it intensely, "We can get back together and try again. It's not the first time we've done this."

"Yeah, that's true," Keith looks away solemnly.

Frowning the other questions him, "But..?"

"It's different now," With a brief pause to collect his thoughts, Keith continues, "Last time we were together for like a month or 2 at most... Now we've talked about starting a family, got engaged, slept together, done everything together for almost a year, and-.." He pauses and looks down, gathering his thoughts, "I don't know about you but that just seems like a lot to just push aside and start over from."

"Okay, I see your point," Lance replies, "A lot has happened."


They sit together in silence, Lance looking at the engagement ring and Keith staring out onto the driveway. Neither knowing where to take this conversation or even if it's a good idea to continue it. 

"Can we just be together again?" Lance asks wistfully.

Keith sighs and doesn't give up an answer. He simply leans back against the step behind them and stares up at the cloud dotted sky. He wants to say yes but part of him is warning him that it's a bad idea.

Lance looks over to him and shakes his head, "I'll take that as a no."

"Lance, I really wanna say yes."

"Well, why don't you?"

"I don't know," His eyes shut lazily as he tips his head back, "Maybe I'm still trying to protect myself from being heartbroken again. Maybe I don't trust my judgment. Maybe I-"

"Maybe you're just scared."

Keiths eyes flash open, "I am not scared. I- I'm-"

"Just admit it," Lance teases, "You're terrified of the worst possible outcomes coming true."

"Well, even if you're right, which you aren't, why would you even think that I'm scared?"

Lance softly smiles, "I know you, Keith. I know you have trust issues. I know that it seems like the world is out to get you sometimes. I know how Lotor treated you and how that affected you. I know why you act like you do. I know almost everything about you, mi amor."

Keith blushes upon hearing the pet name Lance gave him. He doesn't even know if Lance realized what he called him. It's just one of those things he does unconsciously.

"Lance, you called me-"

"I know," Lance's smile never fades, "I know what I did."

"But we're not even-?"

"You're still the love of my life," He says sincerely, "Even if we aren't together."

Keith's heart skips a beat and his cheeks grow more red. He focuses on his breath momentarialy and trys to clear his head. He doesn't want to do or say anything stupid and would rather keep a level head. The last thing he needs is to become a lovesick puppy again.

He turns his attention back to the shrubbery and tries to come up with a coherent thought or sentence. He eventually brings the interviews back up after not wanting to fall into the trap of love.

"So, you said we're doing those interviews right?" Keith asks, eyes glued to anything other than the man next to him.

"Yeah, but what's the plan if we're not like together and at least dating?"

"You said earlier that we should pretend."

"Yeah, I did but.."

"But you'd prefer us actually being together?"

Lance nods slightly, "Yeah."

They fall silent again, both minds racing. Keith sighs and leans forward. Debating whether they should or should not get back together, he ways the pros and cons. Of course pros won but he didn't want to admit that to himself let alone Lance.

After another moment of thought, Keith shakes his head and looks over to Lance. He snatches the ring from Lance's hand. He stares at it for a moment having second thoughts before slipping it back on his finger. Looking back up to Lance, Keith meets his shocked and overall confused gaze.

"I-," He looks back down to the ring on his hand, "I don't want to pretend that we're together when we're not so.."


"So, I want to get back together," Keith explains, avoiding eye contact, "I want to be here for you but you can't take advantage of that. You've seen how much I can take-"

"A lot."

"Yeah, a lot. But that doesn't mean I'm invincible. I'll here for you though, 'cause I know this is hard to do. But no more getting cold feet and backing out. You keep getting my hopes up them shattering them and that hurts, a lot."

Lance reaches out and sets his hand on Keith's, "I promise I won't back out anymore, okay?"

"Okay," Keith pauses in thought, "But, if you do I will gladly return this ring back to you and make you think long and hard about your actions, okay?"


"You understand?"

"I hear you loud and clear, mi amor."

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