Chapter 3

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"Okay, so now that that's over," Veronica props a hand on her hip, "Can we see the ring? I've been catching glimpses of it this whole time but I wanna see!"

"Me too!" Cecile shouts from the back.

Keith looks at Lance who smiles and gently shoves him towards the girls. The Korean flinches and looks back at his fiance as the girls grab his hand and inspect the ring.

"Lance!" Rachel whines, "How much did you spend on this?"

"A man doesn't kiss and tell."

She deadpans, "It's cheap isn't it."

Lance frowns, "No! Of course not! Why would I, a freaking celebrity, a rich bitch, buy something cheap? Especially for the love of my life?"

Keith tries to hide his blush upon hearing 'love of my life', while the girls all just deadpan for moment then go back to gushing over the ring.

Luis and Marco stroll up to Lance, Luis, with his hands in his pockets, Marco with his hands behind his head. Luis throws an arm around Lance's narrow shoulders and leans in, keeping his eyes on the girls and Keith, "So tell me; how much did you spend?"

"Well, wouldn't you like to know?" Lance answers smugly, arms crossed over his chest.

"I do," Luis says, looking Keith up and down, "How much is your love for a guy like him worth?"

Lance studies his brothers face for a moment, trying to find out what's making him tick. Marco leans in and smirks, "Surely it's not worth much, right?"

Lance shakes his head, "Shut up."

"Oh, so it's not worth much is it?" Marco presses.

Lance pushes both of them away, "Shut up. Now."

Luis looms over him, "And who's gonna make me? You? Your twink of a boyfriend?"

"It was one thing to start this shit before, but now that he's here?" Lance growls, "You two are ridiculous."

Marco shoves his younger brother lightly but with some force, "We're just messing with you."

"Yeah," Luis adds, "We're just messing with you. No hard feelings," His tone drops from jokingly to serious in a second, "Right?"

Lance forces a smile and moves away from them, "Sure..." He moves closer to Keith and girls and listens in to the conversation.

"So have you decided what you're going to wear?" Camila asks.

"Uhm-" Keith manages to say before getting cut off.

"Of course he hasn't, Ma!" Veronica almost snaps, "Do you not remember what Lance said?"

"Oh yeah," Camila says, "Oh, but I'm sure you'd look lovely in white."

"What are you talking about?" Rachel butts in, "Black is clearly his color!" She motions towards Keith's dark outfit accented with one of Lance's blue lettermans.

"But white-"

"Mama," Veronica smiles with fake sweetness, "Just trust us on this one."

"Well then Lance would have to wear white."

Rachel shakes her head, "But what if they don't want to be traditional, Mama?"

"That's true."

Keith looks around at the guys for some help. No one offers more then a head shake until he looks at Lance who promptly comes closer and sets a hand on his shoulder and Camila's.

"Mama, V, Rach. Can you guys lay off?" Lance asks.

"But-" Rachel gets cut off.

Camila looks at Keith who is desperately trying to mask that he's uncomfortable and lets go of his hand, "Oh, I'm so sorry."

Veronica finally takes a glance and realizes as well, "Oh shit, sorry."

Keith forces a smile and shakes his head, "No, you girls are fine. I'm just still trying to get my bearings on this whole family thing."

"Oh, is you're family small?" Camila asks.

Lance makes the motion with his hand to signal that was not a good idea. Camila's eyes widen when she realizes and looks at Keith who's silent, eyes a bit glossy. He bites his bottom lip and shakes his head.

Camila pulls him into a hug, "Oh mijo, I'm sorry."

Keith closes his eyes for a moment to catch his bearings before taking a deep breath. He wraps his arms around her figure gently and says, "It's okay. I'm okay... I guess Lance never told you."

Veronica and Rachel look at Lance concerned and he takes control of the situation, "Sorry, I should've said something."

"Would've been nice to know he has family trauma!" Rachel snaps.

Veronica slaps her sister's arm, "Rachel!"



Lance glares at his twin then shifts his attention to Keith, "Hey, do you want me to tell them?"

Keith lets go of Camila and shakes his head no. He looks back to Lance and sighs, "It's fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah," Keith nods, "Just needed a second."

Camila offers a motherly smile, "Well if you ever wanna talk about it, we're here for you, mijo."

Keith blinks a few times as a smile forms on his pale pink lips, "T-Thanks."

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