Side Story #3

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Matt mouths, "Breathe."

Shiro takes a deep breath and glances at Adam before deciding he just can't do it. Their bartender friend takes the lead while Matt tries to silently coach Shiro, "Sooo, you come here often?"

Adam quirks a brow and looks up from his phone, "Yeah, why?"

"No reason in particular," He smiles, making the drink, "Why don't you sit, have a chat with someone? You looked pretty bored earlier."

"No thanks- Um. Were you watching me?" Adam questions him.

Shiro and Matt panic upon hearing that. Shiro turns and butts in, trying not to make eye contact, "He wasn't, I was."

Adam turns his attention to the panicked male next to him, "Uh-huh.."

Shiro mentally curses himself for saying that but continues, "Sorry, that was not a great way to start a conversation."

The rest of the guys all simultaneously agree, "No it was not."

"Hi, would've been better... Wouldn't it?" Shiro asks nervously.

"A, 'hi', would have been preferred," Adam replies.

The latter panics more and goes into apologizing mode, "Look, I am really, so sorry for sounding and acting like creep. I swear I'm not usually like this. I just seen you and thought you were pretty- I mean handsome and I was trying to think of a way to approach you but I-"

Adam puts his hand up to stop him, "Quit with the unnecessary babbling."

Shiro looks down defeated, "Sorry."

The bartender stays silent as he slides Adam his drink. Taking his drink, he decided to sit next to Shiro, which surprises literally everyone. Shiro looks up at Adam and begins to make excuses, "You don't have to stay here-"

Adam sips his drink and holds his hand up to shut Shiro up. Setting the glass down, he turns to the panicking trio, eyes on Shiro, "I have nothing better to do right now, so I'll keep you company. Even if you were a little creepy."

The trio exchange looks and say, "Really?"

Nodding Adam smiles slightly, "Really. Besides everyone else here is young and dumb and I'm not really looking for.. that." He looks back at Matt who is visibly younger than the others, "No offense."

Matt leans against the counter, "None taken... But uuuh, how old are you anyways?"

"29, about to turn 30 in about," He looks at his watch, "40 minutes, give or take, you?"

"I'm 27," He motions to the bartender, "He's in his 40s."

"42 to be exact."

"And him," Matt points at Shiro, "He's also 29."

Adam quirks a brow and looks them all up and down, "Really?"

Matt smiles brightly, "Really!"

"Hm, you look much younger," Adam says. He looks at Shiro and Matt, "Both of you actually."

"Thanks?" Shiro says, "You look pretty young too."

Adam rolls his eyes, "As if."

"No, you do. I honestly didn't think you'd be the same age as me.."

Adam's smile grows, "Y'know I never got your name, mind telling me?"

"Oh um, I'm Takashi Shirogane," Shiro says then motions to Matt, "And if you care, this is my friend, Matthew Holt."

"Everyone call me Matt, though. Besides this stick in the mud." Matt pokes at Shiro.

"That's the only way you'll listen to me, most of the time, Matthew."

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