Chapter 25

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Lance and Keith call it quits for the day on the wedding planning. After that's all said and done, Keith finishes his cold breakfast and waits for his brother to join him in the living room like he does almost every morning. Hearing the familiar footsteps of his sibling, he turns his attention from the TV to the stairs. He finds Shiro disheveled and half awake, looking like he's in desperate need of some coffee. 

Speaking in their native tongue so he doesn't get a confused and sleepy stare, Keith teases his brother, "Someone slept well."

Shiro glares and answers, voice low and coated in sleep, "Shut up, 남동생."

Keith chuckles to himself, "Get some coffee, I need to ask you something."

He gets a sleepy glare but eventually gets what he wants. Shiro joins him on the couch after a bit, now more awake, "What did you need?"

"I wanted to ask you something about mom."

"About mom? Why?" Shiro asks, sipping on the remnants of his coffee.

"It's important to me."

Shiro studies his brother's face for a moment before sighing, "Fine."

"Okay, so... How do I word this...?" Keith thinks out loud. He ponders on the thought for a moment before turning back to his sibling, "Do you remember anything from Mom's wedding? Or like any stories, she would tell about it?"

Shiro thinks for a beat, setting his mug down on the coffee table. With a sigh, he replies, "I don't remember much. I was like 5 when she married your dad sooo..."

"Did she ever tell you any stories then?"

"Yeah, all the time. When she was planning for the second wedding she talked fondly of the first one. Both were pretty similar if I remember correctly."

"They were both at that one hotel with a rooftop garden, right?"

"Yeah, yeah! They were!" Shiro smiles at the memories. His smile fades a bit and instead is masked with curiosity, "Having trouble planning your wedding?"

The younger sibling sighs and leans further into the couch, "You don't know the half of it."

"I'm guessing you want it to be perfect like Mom's."

"Yeah... kind of," Keith's gaze trails down to the carpet as he gets list in his thoughts, "I wish she was here to help. She always knew what to say.. How to help..."

Shiro wraps an arm around his brother's shoulders and pulls him into his chest, hugging him lightly, "Gosh you're gonna make me sad, Keith."

Clawing desperately to get out of his siblings grasp, Keith huffs, "Oh, I'mma really make you sad if you don't let go of me."

Shiro wraps his other arm around Keith and traps him. A playful fight breaks out between the grown men like when they were children.

"Let go of me, dammit!" Keith laughs as he tugs them onto the floor. They knock into the coffee table with enough force to earn an "ouch" along with the sound of the coffee cup spilling over the glass. Immediately the pair let go of eachother and watch the liquid pool across the table. Exchanging a glance, Keith stands first and offers a hand to yank Shiro to his feet, "Look what you did, dummy."

Shiro notes the playfulness in his voice, "Look what I did? Get your eyes checked, 남동생! You look at what you did!"

They both share a laugh before cleaning up the mess. Checking the time, Shiro gasps and heads for the stairs earning a confused stare, "Where do you think you're going, 형?!"

Shiro looks back to his sibling, "I gotta get ready to go out with Adam!"

"Ya'll are going on a date at 9:47 in the morning?" Keith raises a brow.

"It's not a date! Just uuuhhmm..."

"Just go get ready!" Keith waves him off.


With Shiro gone on his, 'totally not a date' date, Keith is left alone to search up wedding venues and ideas. Nothing really interests him at all. Why can't this just be simple? Like, just like get married, have that weird first dance as a married couple, eat cake, then go home! Having to do more seems so unnecessary and boring... But doing more is what Lance wants. That's just something Keith has to compromise on.

Shutting his laptop with a frustrated sigh, Keith grabs his phone and pushes himself away from the kitchen island. Unlocking the device, he plans on bugging Pidge. He wants to take his mind off of this tedious and overall stressful planning. How to do that? Bug Pidge to get Keith back to work. Working on a new album or doing some modeling gig will fill his empty time nicely. More importantly doing anything other than planning would help keep him from stressing. Keith is sure that Lance is probably freaking out more (and caring more) than him. Just judging on how upset he was when Keith slipped up earlier is proof enough.

Why am I not as stressed as Lance? Do I just not care as much?

Surely, those thoughts aren't true. Keith cares and really wants to get married...But, and there's always a but, he just never seen weddings as that big of a deal. At the end of the day, it's just two people getting married. Maybe it'd be a bigger deal to him if he were a girl. For some reason a lot of girls stress and make a big deal over marriage and he never really got that. Yay, whoop-de-do! You get to signal bunch of legal documents and spend hours at city hall! Amazing! Not to mention the financial side.

Keith cringes at the thought for a moment before it dawns on him. They've done all this planning and talking for nothing. Sure they can have wedding but they won't be legally married until Keith's contract ends. I mean they could be legally married, but they'd have to go through more of a hassle probably. Wouldn't it just be easier to get married when Keith can immigrate to America? But, at the soonest, that'd be 3 years.. latest 5.

They did not think this through.

I couldn't leave y'all hanging during pride month so here, have this half-way decent chapter.

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