Chapter 2

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Lance taps away on his phone at the airport as he waits for Keith. He leans against a nearby wall and opens his Instagram and immediately looks for Keith on his feed. He loves looking at his boyfriend's- correction: fiance's posts. Seeing a pic of Keith in front of a mirror with his suitcases on his feed, Lance smiles. The caption reads, "On my way to you 💕 can't wait to see you again @/loverboylance."

Lance opens up the comments and sees the fans going crazy. He also decides to comment to add to the chaos, "@/akiraK how long did it take you to come up with that caption, mi amor?"

Looking up, Lance spots Keith and pushes himself off the wall. He waves at the shorter man and catches his attention. Unlike usual, Keith doesn't sprint up to his lover and latch onto him. Instead, he calmly walks up and sets his suitcases aside along with a bag and gently wraps his arms around Lance's shoulders. He takes in a deep breath of Lance's scent and smiles, "Mm, I missed you, 서방님."

Lance wraps his arms around Keith's lower back and raises a curious brow, "I missed you too, but what's with the unusual calmness?"

"Jetlagged," Keith hums, "I had to get up early too," He yawns, "And you know I'm not a morning person."

"Well, don't worry too much, because you'll be able to sleep in a few hours," Lance says, reaching for Keith's suitcases.

"You don't have to-"

"I insist," Lance picks up the bag next to the red suitcases, "Here, you can carry that and I'll take care of the suitcases."

Keith looks at the bag for a moment, "That's for you by the way."


"The bag is for you- Oh, also be careful with the big suitcase. I finally got a chance to collect almost all of my merch for Cecile."

"You actually remembered that deal?"

"Well, yeah," Keith looks down, a light blush on his cheeks from embarrassment, "She's my soon to be niece and I want to make a good impression on her... and I'm also like her idol or something.."

Lance lets out a low chuckle, "She already calls you Tio Keith."

"Tio... Wait, that means uncle, right?"


"Holy shit, she calls me Uncle Keith."

Lance smiles seeing how giddy his partner is. He presses more to see if he can get more of a reaction, "So does, Lily, Nadia, and Sylvio. They all collectively claim you as their new uncle."

"New uncle..." Keith is in awe.

"It kinda makes me a bit jealous," Lance half-jokes. Keith gives him a look as he continues, "No, but for real, everyone has kind of already accepted you as part of the family for the most part."

"For the most part? What do you mean?"

"Some are more welcoming than others," Lance explains, "My sisters and parents are on board but my brothers-"

"I thought your brothers didn't care."

"So did I."

"Well, what did they do or say or whatever?"

"They just keep asking me if I was sure about getting married 'so soon'."

Keith seems worried by the, 'so soon' part and ask, "Are you?"


"Are you sure you want to get married?"

Lance frowns, "Why would you even ask-?"

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