Chapter 8

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Lance looks at the ring then to the empty wine bottle. He shakes his head and huffs out hot air. Picking up the ring he examines it for a moment before shoving it in his pocket.

"Fuck me.." He huffs, following the same path Keith took. Though he gets stopped in the foyer by his family.

"Lance!" Veronica calls out from the couch, "Where's Keith?"



"He's looking for something," Lance lies through his teeth.

"It's probably his phone," Veronica replies, waving Keith's phone in her hand, "Some person named Pidge is texting him."

Lance shuffles over and snags the phone, "Thanks, I'll give this to him."

Lance paces himself to the base of the stairs. He practically sprints up them and into his room. He opens the door fast but not hard to where it'd slam. He scans the room, "Keith?"

Finding no one, he shuts the door and goes room to room. Still not finding his other half, Lance begins to panic, murmuring to himself, "You stupid idiot."

Opening the door to the last possible hiding spot, Lance checks the recording studio. Searching around he finds nothing. Not a trace of his partner. He kicks the lightweight rolling chair in the studio out of frustration and puts his hands behind his head. Taking a few deeps breaths Lance tries to think of where Keith could have gone.

There's only one other place.

Lance goes back into his room and out onto the wrap-around balcony. Initially, he doesn't see Keith anywhere. He looks around the balcony in sheer fear, thinking of the worst. Turning the corner, Lance sees Keith all the way at the end of the balcony, leaning on the railing and staring at the dusk lit skyline.

"Keith!" Lance calls out, practically sprinting over to the other man.

Keith flinches as Lance wraps his arms around him and pulls him into a tight hug. Squirming around, Keith pushes Lance off of him, "Get off of me!"

Lance stumbles back and grasps the railings, "I'm sorry."

Keith looks him up and down, face riddled in disgust. He shakes his head and looks back at the skyline, "You reek of alcohol."

"I barely even drank!"

"You drank enough to not answer me!" Keith whips around, pain flashing across his face for a moment, "You didn't answer me and didn't even listen..."

"I'm sorry, okay?"

"Sorrys not gonna cut it," Keith takes a deep breath to ground himself, "Ever since I met you, I knew you were the one. But you keep running and acting like a child."

"Keith, I-"

"You keep playing these stupid games and messing with my head..." Keith tears up but wipes it all away fast, "Why can't you see that what others think doesn't matter?"

"I do, but-"

"There it is."

"What do you mean, 'There it is'?"

"There's always a 'but' after everything. You can't just be partially there and expect to be included, Lance."

"What do you mean by that?!"

"You can't just say that you're okay with something then act the complete opposite!" He pauses for a moment, "And do I have to remind you again that you're the one the came out on stage! You're the one who proposed! For fucks sake, Lance, you're the one that took this step forward and didn't prepare yourself."

Lance looks down, trying to find the words to defend himself, "I..."

"What, Lance? You what?" Keith props his hand on his hip.

Lance looks back up at Keith, "I didn't mean to hurt you like this."

"Well, you did."

The two stand there for a moment. Keith upset and fuming, and Lance upset and mad at himself.

Keith sighs, "Look, Lance... I love you-

"I love you too."

"-But, until you can get your act together, we're done."

"We're.. done..?"


"Are you serious?!"


Lance panics and whines, "Why?!"

"I can't do whatever this," He motions between them, "Is anymore! Do you even realize how much pain I've been pushing back and ignoring?!" Lance opens his mouth to defend himself but Keith doesn't even let the other speak, "Of course you don't! All this time it's been a bunch of what-ifs and stupid anxiety over nothing!" Tears start to well up in his dark purple eyes, "When will you see that not damn person's opinions matter besides ours. No one gets to decide what we do and how we are. No one can change us!"

Keith pauses, heaving, seeping in anger and pain. He looks at Lance to see if he has any sort of response. The American produces nothing but a hurt look. Keith sighs and pushes past him and into the house, leaving Lance with his thoughts.

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