Chapter 18

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My 18th birthday was yesterday (March 9th). It made me realize I've been doing this for almost 5 years now. Jesus.

The day was spent more or less talking and planning on how to fix the problem at hand; Lance and Keith's rocky relationship. Eventually, after dinner, Lance left Keith alone on the couch to chill in the pool. He needed time to just relax and not think about responsibilities and problems. Keith, on the other hand, was chatting away with Shiro about his newfound spark at the club.

"So, his name is Adam?" Keith questions his brother, "Sounds foreign." 

"No, he lives here. Turns out he's a teacher."

"Ooh, what does he teach?"

"You're gonna cringe-"

"He teaches English, doesn't he?"

"Yep," Shiro sighs, "But if it's any better, he's also a flight instructor."

"Oooh," Keith begins to tease, "You ready to join the mile high club?"

The younger brother SWEARS he can HEAR Shiro blushing on the other end of the line, "What-? No! Keith, what the actual- I would never! I-"

"I'm just messing with you!" He snickers at his brother's panicked response, "Besides, a stick in the mud like you would NEVER do anything other than vanilla."

"You- I-.." Shiro begins to stammer. He clears his throat, "For your information, I am not a stick in the mud and I don't know why everyone seems to call me that. ALSO, I have done some not so vanilla things thank you very much. You were just too young to ever hear about that."

"Woah there, hold on now!" Keith teases more, "What did you do to my real brother? And who are you?!"

"Oh shut up, 남동생."

They throw playful insults back and forth until Shiro asks Keith about the relationship issues between him and Lance. To which Keith pauses in thought. He runs a hand through his hair and lets out a low, long, sigh, "I think we worked our problems out, for now at least."

"For now?"

"Yeah," He pauses again, searching for the right words to say, "I don't know if he'll keep to his word, but for the sake of our relationship, I hope he will."

Shiro hums in response, "I'm sure he will." The Idol makes a noise of uncertainty causing him to continue, "Why don't you go hang out with him for a bit?"

"That's all we've done all day."

"By hang out, I mean actually hang out and do normal couple things," He pauses, "That doesn't include arguing."

"But doesn't every couple argue?"

"Yes, but you two have been arguing way too much, lately. Just hold him and be there with him. Don't start anything and definitely don't let him start anything."

"Okay, fine, Dad."

"Haha, very funny," Shiro rolls his eyes, "Now go."

Before Keith could even think about forming a sentence, let alone getting a word out, Shiro hung up. Begrudgingly, he pushed himself off the couch and made his way out to the pool on the back patio. Spotting Lance just floating around he takes a seat on the edge and calls out to his fiance, "Hey, 애인!"

Upon hearing the familiar pet name, Lance made his way over to Keith. Resting his arms on the side of the pool, he rests his head on his arms. Looking up at his lover, Lance smiles fondly, "I haven't heard that in a while."

"Well, we haven't found common ground in a while."

"That's true," Lance places a hand on Keith's, "You wanna join me?"

"I didn't bring any swimwear."

"How- What? Why- Why would you not bring any sort of swimwear when coming to LA?!"

"Hey, in my defense we never go swimming! I forgot the pool even existed!"

Lance pouts, "Well, you could just hop in."

"In this?" Keith motions to his outfit, which is of course, expensive "Not happening."

The Popstar shrugs, "Take it off then."

"No way."

"Oh come on! Either you take it off and hop in or I'm dragging you in!"

Keith weighs his options quickly and strips away his shirt and pants. He throws them behind him, towards a nearby lodge chair and slides into the water. Shivering upon entrance he gasps, "Jesus it's cold."

"You'll get used to it soon." Lance states pushing himself back a bit.

The latter blows out hot air and wraps his arms around himself, "Swimming at night is a horrible idea."

"Mi amor, it's a wonderful idea!" Lance replies, back paddling away, smile plastered on his face, "With the pool lighting, night sky, and glow of the city below, I think it's perfect."

Keith shakes away the idea, "Yeah, but it's fucking cold."

Lance swims back to Keith and wraps his arms around him, "Oh c'mere crybaby."

The idol pushes his partner away, "Don't call me that."

"Oh, c'mon," He rolls his eyes, "You take the fun outta everything."

"Well, someone had to."

Lance glares, "Why can't you just be happy when I'm happy?"

"What makes you think I can't?"

"I don't know. I mean, in recent light of current events, we haven't been happy with each other sooo..."

It's Keith's turn to glare, "What are you getting at?"

"Nothing, nothing..."

The Idol rolls his eyes and shivers from the cold night air and water hitting his skin. Lance notices this and wraps his around him once more, "Don't even try to fight me."

Hearing that causes the latter to submit. He slowly brings his arms up and wraps them around Lance's neck, a smirk growing on his face, "When was the last time we were in this position?"

"Uuhh, never."

Keith deadpans, "I mean us in this position outside of the pool."

"Oh, well then, it's been a while."

"Exactly," Keith leans in, closing the distance between them. His gaze flashes to Lance's lips for a moment before he leans in and whispers, "Let's just have one night of peace. Okay?"

Lance lets go of the tension in his body with a sigh, "Okay."

Taking the initiative, Keith closes the space between them and plants a kiss on the other's lips. It's been a while since they've been like this. It seems like all they ever do now is argue and stress over trivial things. They never seem to focus on just themselves and eachother. Never focusing on the good of the relationship has took a toll on both of them.

Lance pushes Keith back against the side of the pool and slips his tongue into the other's mouth. The latter seems to almost melt into the kiss before they eventually come up for air. Keith places a hand on Lance's chest to signal they're done, "Wow, um.. God."

"Not expecting that?"

"No? Yes? Sorta?" Keith says between breaths. He can hear his own heartbeat in his ears as the blush begins to dust across his cheeks, "Gosh it's definitely been a while since we..."


"Yeah.. That," He replies with little confidence.

Lance places a kiss on the Idol's forehead and hums, "I love you, mi amor."

Keith's eyes widen for a moment. It seems like he hasn't heard that in forever. A smile finds it's way onto his lips as he replies, "I love you, too."

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