Side Story #1

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Soooo, I promised Shiro background character development in the first book... but I keep forgetting so take a Valentines Day special about Shiro and his pan adventures. :)
Background: this is right after Keith and Shiro texted the morning after the klance break up.

Setting his phone down on the nightstand, Shiro rolls over and sighs. Sleep has been a struggle since Allura and him cut things off. Most nights he just stays up to ungodly hours like Keith does. With that thought in mind Shiro has been mentally cursing himself for acting like his younger brother.

His phone begins to vibrate across the wooden table, catching his attention. Reaching over, he mumbles, "Who the hell..?"

The light from his phone blinds him for moment as he turns it on. Eyes adjusted he sees 2 messages from his old partner and now friend, Matthew Holt. Typing in the password on his phone, Shiro clicks on the messages and sees whats up.


Matt: I know you're probably not awake.
Matt: and I know its horribly late but are you okay Shiro?


After a moment of hesitation, Shiro begins to type.


Shiro: Yeah, I'm fine.


"Why do you even care?" Shiro mutters to himself, bitterly.

True they're friends but the breakup between them was messy. They did eventually make amends obviously but Shiro still harbors some distrust.


Matt: Mm-hmm.
Matt: look ik allura met alot to you so if you're not fine you can tell me.
Shiro: I'm fine Matthew.


Shiro tosses his phone back onto the nightstand and rolls over, not wanting to deal with Matt's 'forced' kindness. Though, soon enough, Matt is spamming Shiro's phone, hellbent on getting his friend's attention. Giving in out of sheer annoyance, Shiro checks his phone.


Matt: Shiro
Matt: Shiro
Matt: Shiro
Shiro: what do you want matt?
Matt: y'know what you need?
Shiro: what do I 'need' matt?
Matt: a night out! Just you and me! Like old times.
Shiro: that sounds like a horrible idea.
Matt: well it worked for allura... c l e a r l y. AAAAAND I thought you liked to go out!
Shiro: i did when I was like 22. You do realize that was like 7 years ago, right?
Matt: well you're not 30 yet so by all legal rights of fun and young adulthood, YOU SHOULD BE OUT HAVING FUN.
Matt: not sulking in bed
Matt: and don't lie. We both know that's EXACTLY what you're doing right now.


Shiro grimaces and rolls his eye, "I hate that you know me so well."


Shiro: fine. We can go out tomorrow night.
Matt: T O M O R R O W N I G H T ? ? ? ! ! !
Matt: Takashi Shirogane, it is 2:30 in the morning. THE NIGHT IS STILL YOUNG. Get yo sexy ass outta bed right this instant and get dressed. I'll be over in 20 minutes.
Shiro: did you just say, "sexy ass"


Shiro huffs and gets outta bed, grumbling quietly about Matt convincing him to leave. He quickly gets dressed. Throwing on a skin tight white turtle neck under a loose button up striped shirt and some ripped whitewashed grey jeans, Shiro combs his fingers through his hair. Deciding that its good enough, he grabs his phone and wallet and heads downstairs.

Searching for his keys, he finds them on the coffee table in the living room. Heading out to the entrance/party room, he finds his boots on the shoe rack out there. He's still a bit of a stickler for the "traditional ways". Slipping on his boots he heads down to the lobby and sees Matt's car outside.

"What is he...?"

Looking at his phone real quick before heading out, Shiro sees the usual, "I'm here" text. Pushing the front door of the high-rise open, he looks up from his phone and sees the window to the car roll down. Matthew does the cat-call whistle as the glass comes to a halt, "Hot damn, look at you!"

"Shut up," Shiro replies, opening the door as Matt rolls the window up.

He gets in the vehicle and shuts the door, not making eye-contact with Matt. Speaking of him, the younger male nudges Shiro with his elbow and begins to tease, "When was the last time you got dressed up?"

"I didn't get, 'all dressed up', Matthew."

"Oh really?" Matt looks Shiro up and down, "You call this not dressed up?"

Shiro groans, "Just shut up.. Also, how did you get here so fast?"

"I was already in the area," Matt replies, simply. He begins to drive them to the club Shiro and him frequented when they were younger.

"Of course you were."

"What's with the Keith-like attitude, dude?"

Shiro deadpans, "Why do you think, dude?"

Matt unconsciously puts his hand on Shiro's thigh and gives him a little shake, "Don't be like that! Look, we'll find something, or SOMEONE tonight to take your mind off of everything."

Shiro removes Matt's hand from his thigh, "Please don't touch me there."

"What?" Matt looks over for a moment and realizes, "Oh shit, sorry. I didn't mean to- it was just like unconsciously- like, y'know?" He begins to curse himself quietly, "Dammit Matthew.. get yourself together-"

Shiro chuckles, "Breathe, Matthew," He looks over to the younger male, "Its not THAT big of a deal."

Matt takes a deep breath, "Yeah, you're right. Sorry."

Shiro rolls his eyes and saves everyone a headache, "So, where are you taking me?"

"Oooh, just the club that we used to go to all. the. time."

"Matthew... why there?"

"Cause why NOT there?! At least we know Allura and like literally everyone, besides us, who know her won't be there!"

"Thats true but, what are the odds we'd run into her or her friends at any other club?"

"Slim, but not none," Matt smirks, "Buuut, what are the odds we'll find someone like us," He motions between them, "At a regular club?"

"Slim to none."

Matt smacks his hand on the side of the steering wheel, excitedly, "EXACTLY!"

Shiro rolls his eyes and sighs, "Do you really think this is the best idea?"

"Of course it is!"

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