More "Head canons"

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Here's more headcanons for you guys, gals, and non-conforming pals.
(Anytime I came up with an idea/headcanon between Feb-Mar 2021 it goes here)

-Keith and Lance will call each other when one of them is recording new songs.
    -> Keith likes to call right before bed if possible so Lance can sing him to sleep.
    -> Lance just likes to show off and taunt Keith about everything.

-Keith has developed a habit of playing with his engagement ring when nervous.

-Stealing clothing before parting is just a normal occurrence.
  -> Last time Lance was in Korea he stole one of Keith's favorite hoodies.
  -> He got a worried call soon after.

-Don't know if I mentioned this enough but Lance's clothes are all just a bit too big for Keith.
  -> Damn Lance for being a tall twig.

-Lance can fit into Keith's clothing but almost all of the clothing is either too tight or too short.
  ->They're literally one size apart.

-Lance likes to think that the watch Keith got him is like his own version of an engagement ring (context: one from rodeo).

-When fighting, Keith will volunteer to sleep on the couch.
  -> He does this because even when he hates Lance's guts he'd rather him be comfortable than uncomfortable.
  -> Lance doesn't realize this

-Keith is super soft for Lance. Like grossly love-sick soft.
  -> Lance knows this and sometimes uses it to his advantage (rarely, tho).

-Lance constantly worries that he'll do something wrong and cause them to break up for good.

-Keith is kind of toxic but he's working on fixing that.
  ->He has major trust issues still.

-At this point in the story they're working through their differences and problems together.
  -> Lance wants things to just go back to normal and act as if nothing happened.
  -> Keith doesn't want to act like nothing happened. He doesn't want to just skip over all the turmoil and not resolve it.
  -> Keith sometimes gives into Lance's antics though.


-Lance is surprisingly a tease.
-> He will send shirtless pics with his pants barely on just to work Keith up.

-Keith eats up whatever he can get.

  -> Keith started it with a pic of him in just Lance's tee-shirt (that he stole last time they met).
  -> Keith is usually the one to send pics.
 -> Lance has sent a few but sparingly. 

  -> Lance sends more of these.
  -> Lance sends these less sparingly... he prefers these over pics.
  -> Keith likes to TEASE with these (almost full strip then grab the camera, smirk, and shake his head no).

- Lance 100% has scandalous videos and photos of Keith in a password-protected folder on his phone.
  -> What even is ph anymore? He has Keith-Hub.

- Keith also has a folder dedicated to Lance... but it doesn't have a password on it.
  -> No one other than Lance and Shiro can touch his phone because of this.
  -> Shiro is on thin fucking ice.
  -> He's wary of showing photos to people because of this. (*scrolling through gallery* *lance video* *FRANTIC SCROLLING*)

-They can and will facetime and have phone sex. Doesn't matter when or where.
  -> If one of them is in a meeting you bet your ass that meeting is getting sped up so they can take a trip to the bathroom or go home early.

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