Chapter 12

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Lance sets a plate of pancakes down on the crowded island, "And with that, breakfast is served!" 

"Took you long enough," Keith huffs, reaching over and grabbing a pancake off the stack and shoves it in his mouth. 

Lance quirks a brow, "Wow, so we got the butter and syrup out for nothing, huh?"

Covering his mouth, Keith answers, "Shut up, I'm hungry."

Lance playfully rolls his eyes and turns and opens one of the cupboards above the counter. Grabbing two plates he reaches back to the island to drop them off before opening a drawer and grabbing knives and forks. He turns back to Keith who is already reaching for another pancake. Setting the utensils down, Lance shoves a plate towards Keith, "We're civilized, aren't we?"

"I guess.." Keith takes the plate and goes back to grabbing more food. 

Shaking his head in defeat, the American sighs and turns to the fridge. Opening the appliance he calls over his shoulder, "What do you want to drink?"

Keith lets out a muffled, "I don't care."

Lance rolls his eyes and grabs the orange juice. Closing the fridge door, Lance pivots, setting the bottle down on the island. He grabs a cup and sets it down in front of Keith, pushing the bottle of OJ closer to him with his free hand. Keith grimaces, "Orange juice?"

"It's healthy for you, so drink it."

Keith makes a face.

"Just drink the damn juice, Keith."


Keith reaches for the bottle and pours himself a glass of the orange liquid while Lance reaches for his phone. He clicks on his contacts and scrolls down to Hunk. About to call, Lance gets interrupted by Keith. Raising a brow, the Korean begins to question the other, "So, you're not going to eat?"

"No, not yet," Lance clicks on Hunks contact and presses the call button. He brings the phone up to his ear. While it rings he informs Keith, "I gotta call Hunk and tell him we're doing the interviews."

"Oh yeah... that."

"Yeah," Lance pauses, "That."

Lance leaves the kitchen and hides away in the formal dining room to the left of the kitchen. After a few rings, Hunk picks up, sounding a little drowsy.

"XXXX Agency, this is Hunk speaking, how may I help you?"

"Someone just woke up," Lance teases.

Hunk instantly recognizes his client's voice and shakes away the sleep, "Oh, Lance! Sorry, went on autopilot."

"It's good," He looks up towards the ceiling, "I'll give you a moment to get your bearings."

 "No, I'm good!" Hunk chirps, "Are you okay after last night?"

"Last night..?"

"Yeah, the whole interview thing. I know that shook you up a bit."

Lance breathes a sigh of relief and smiles, "Yeah, yeah... I'm fine," He peers around the corner into the kitchen to sneak a peek at his former fiance, who was distracted by his phone. He watches him type away for a moment before continuing, "Actually, I was calling about that."

"The interview?"

"Yeah," Lance fiddles with the ring that resides in his pocket, "I talked to Keith and we decided we'll do it."

"Really?" Hunk says in disbelief.

"Yeah, we talked about it and decided that it's not a terrible decision. I'm not thrilled obviously, but if it's for him I'll do anything."

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