Chapter 5

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The couple finally arrive back downstairs. Rachel waves them over to the Kitchen, where she's helping their brothers, Camila and Andres with dinner, "Lovebirds! Where'd ya' run off to?"

"The bedroom," Lance says nonchalantly.

Rachel cringes, "Please tell me you didn't,"

"We were gone for like 10 minutes," Lance says, "Trust me when I say this, that 10 minutes is not nearly enough time for us."

Andres shakes his head hearing that, "TMI, mijo."

"Papa, I was only answering her question."


"Still what?" Lance gets defensive, "You realize that it's not that much different than straight sex, right?"

Marco gags, "Quit talking about it."

"Yeah," Luis adds.

Lance furrows his brow and looks at his brothers, "I don't wanna hear it from you two."

"Hear what?" Luis asks, playing innocent.

Marco adds, "We ain't doing nothing!"

"Y'know what? Forget it," Lance says, "I don't have the time nor energy to deal with you bigots."

Everyone gasps.

"Mijo! What has gotten into you?" Camila asks.

"What has gotten into me?" Lance almost laughs, "Why don't you ask your other sons? I wanna know what's gotten into them!" He shifts all his attention onto his older brothers, "Y'know ever since I came back from tour, these two have been harassing me over who I chose to marry!"

"I thought you guys were chill with Lance being bi?" Rachel asks her brothers.

"We are! I don't know what he's on about!" Marco exclaims.

"Oh really?" Lance crosses his arms over his chest, "'Cause I seem to recall you guys pestering me when I got back today."

"We did not such thing!" Luis replies.

"Wanna explain why you said, that my love for Keith isn't worth much? Or why you called him a twink?"

Rachel's eyes blow wide, "They called Keith a twink?"

"Yes!" Lance shouts

"No!" Marco and Luis shout back.

"Explain to me why you guys feel the need to lie?" Lance says.

"We aren't lying, Lance," Luis lies through his teeth.

"How much is your love for a guy like him worth?" Lance repeats what his older brother said. Luis looks down and shakes his head as Lance continues, "Surely not worth much, right?"

Marco raises a brow, "You took that seriously? We were just messing with you."

"It's not messing around when you two threaten me," Lance replies.

"Threaten?" Camila repeats.

"When did we threaten you?" Luis asks.

"I distinctly remember you changing your tone with me. Saying something along the lines of, 'Oh, were just messing with you. No hard feelings, right?'. That sounded pretty threatening to me."

"We weren't actually gonna do anything!" Luis exclaims, "Dios mío, you are sensitive!"

"Oh, so you admit that you've at least been an asshole for the past month."

"Fine, I'll admit it!" Luis gives in, "I'm an asshole, whoop-de-do. Are you done now?"

Lance is pissed, "Why are you acting like this isn't that big of a deal?"

"Because it's not," Marco says, nonchalantly, "We were just picking on you and you took it to heart."

"There's a difference between picking on someone, and being flat out, asshole." Rachel states.

"THANK YOU!" Lance shouts, "Finally, someone understands."

Luis shakes his head, "You need to grow thicker skin, bro."

"Alright, that's enough!" Andres says. He looks between his children and shakes his head, "Luis, Marco,"

The pair perk up, "Yes Dad?"


And just like that they were back to whining.

"But why?" Marco wails, "We didn't do anything!"

"Yeah!" Luis adds.

"I don't wanna hear it," Andres crosses his arms over his broad chest.

"Fine..." Luis huffs, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Lance presses, satisfied that he won this battle.

"For being an asshole."

"Thank you," Lance smiles smugly, "I'll think about forgiving you later."

Andres looks to Marco, "Marco."

The other brother rolls his eyes, "Fine, I guess I'm sorry too."

"Say it properly." Andres presses.

"I'm sorry for being an asshole. Happy?"

"No, but I guess that'll have to do for now," Lance replies.

Andres huffs out hot air, "God, I expected better from you two. You're grown men, but still act like children."

"Don't you think it's weird, though!" Luis asks.

Lance frowns, "Think what's weird?"

"You literally met him a year ago!" Luis motions to Keith, who has been gravely quiet the entire time.

"Yeah, so?"

"You didn't even know that he existed until your company shipped you off to Korea!"

Marco adds, "Yeah, and now you're getting married."

"Like, y'all have been dating for like 6 months at most, and y'all are already engaged."

"That is true," Keith agrees.

"SEE!" Luis exclaims, "Even he agrees!"

"Hold up," Keith places his hand out to stop him, "I never said I agree to anything. I'm just saying that you do have a point. Sure, we did kind of rush things, but that's because we want to be together."

"You sure?" Marco asks.

Keith furrows his brow, "Yes!"

"What about Mr. Indecisive over there," Marco looks at Lance, "You got anything to say?"

Lance looks at Keith for a moment then back at his siblings, "Yeah. I do want to be with Keith."

Marco and Luis exchange looks before Luis pressures them some more, "Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yes!" Lance replies, clearly pained by the situation. He gently wraps an arm around Keith's waist, "What do I have to do to prove it to you guys?"

"Nothing," Luis says, "I'll take your word for it."

"You will?"

"I will," He nods, "Not sure about Marco but I know I will."

Everyone looks at Marco who rolls his eyes, "Fine, I guess I'll take your word for it as well."

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