Chapter 29

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The rhythm of the cities nights can usually lull Keith to sleep. But tonight it's not cutting it. He's exhausted but the distant traffic and dull thumps of music below him aren't soothing enough to calm his mind. Now that Lance is here and they've talked about the distance problem that's all his mind can think about. How do they fix this?

He rolls over and grabs his phone. Turning it on, he uses the dull phone light as an alternative flashlight. He fears the actual flashlight night be too bright and wake Lance. With an almost silent sigh he gets up and makes his way over to the bedroom door.

Hearing Lance roll over, probably searching for him in his slumber, Keith pauses. It's the middle if the night. What the hell is he doing? What is the plan? Oh right, the plan is sneaking downstairs to the home office and digging through his contract. Why dig through the contract? Answer's simple: find a way to move closer.

Slipping through the door, Keith makes sure to shut it as quietly as humanly possible before making his way down to the second level of the penthouse. Now with the flashlight turned on, he creeps down the hall, making sure he doesn't wake Shiro. He doesn't need and earful from him.

Opening the door to the office, the idol slips into the room, quietly shutting the door behind him. Shiro is just a few doors down so he has to be quiet. He turns on the desk light and sets his phone down besides it. Now it's time to begin the search. He has a copy of the contract somewhere in here. He just doesn't know exactly where.

Going through filing cabinet and filing cabinet, he finally finds it. It's tucked away in some ratty old binder in the back of the bottom cabinet of the 3rd one he searches. Taking it out, he thumbs through the pages, scanning the multiple agreements and rights he had to sign away. Setting it down on the desk, he opts for sitting there. He continues to search for something, anything, that could get him out of this.


Lance mumbles his fiance's name as he blindly searches for him, half asleep. Feeling around the other side of the bed and finding nothing wakes him up fast. He checks his phone and sees the time, 1:07 am. Looking over to the bathroom door, he can easily rule out that as a possible hiding place seeing as the door is open. So, where did Keith go?

Turning on the flashlight on his phone, Lance checks the ground. Maybe Keith could've just rolled off? He's not that restless of a sleeper though, so of course when Lance comes up empty-handed he's not surprised.

"Where the hell are you?" Lance grumbles to himself as he slumps out of bed.

Checking the balcony door first, he sees its locked so there ain't no way Keith went out there and got locked out. Maybe he went downstairs 'cause he had midnight munchies? Checking the first floor turns up nothing. Alright, this isn't funny. Where is he?

So, Keith has to be on the second floor. But where? Lance shuffles past Shiro's room after not hearing a word through the door. Now, it's time to just go door to door to check each room. He doesn't really know this place as well as Keith seeing as he's only spent about 6-8 months tops here and Keith's been here for years.


The office door creaks open, which snaps Keith out of his trance. Looking back he sees Lance in the doorway, looking exhausted. Pushing himself away from the desk, he meets Lance's worried gaze, "Why are you up, 보?"

"I should be asking you the same," Lance replies, stepping into the home office and closing the door behind him, "What are you even doing at one in the morning, baby?"

"Just.. work?"

"Just work?"


"Uh-huh," He makes his way over to the desk and sees the contract. Turning back to his fiance, Lance presses, "So, looking through a stack of papers in the middle of the night is work?"

Keith flips through the papers a bit more, still searching, "Yes, it is."

Lance quirks a brow and places a hand on Keith's shoulder. Pushing him back against the desk chair, Lance tilts Keith's head with his free hand. Their gazes lock for a moment, but Keith ducks his head, opting to hold Lance's hand instead.

"Keith, can we just go back to bed?" He glances at the contract, "Whatever this is can wait until morning."

"It can't though."

"I assure you that your stack of papers will be here in the morning."

"Just go back to bed without me, Lance."

They fall silent for a moment before Lance sighs and leaves. Keith huffs out hot air as the door closes behind his lover. Slumping back over the papers, he goes back to searching and scanning each page for something. He just needs some sort of clause or phrasing that could get him out of this.

Then the door opens again. Without looking up, he huffs out, "I thought I told you to go to bed."

"I am!" Lance replies.

Keith looks back and sees Lance with a blanket in his arms. Quirking a brow he asks, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Going to bed," Lance states simply. He walks over to Keith and turns him towards him. Wrapping the blanket around his shoulders, he straddles the other's lap and gets comfortable. The Popstars arms drape over the back of the chair, and his head rests in the crook of Keith's neck.

He lets out an airy chuckle and wraps an arm around Lance's waist, teasing him in a low voice, "I'm not a bed, 여보."

"Well, you are now."

"Alright," He rolls his eyes playfully and plants a kiss on Lance's tanned shoulder before going back to the contract, "Goodnight, love."

"Goodnight, dummy."

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