Chapter 24

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Within the week, Hunk managed to find a wedding planner for the couple. Well more like planners. Soon enough the couple set up a meeting with the planners. With the day arriving for the meeting, Keith hopped into a video call with the planners, Hunk, and Lance. It's pretty early in the morning for him, but given that they need to stay within office hours, he had to either stay up late or wake up early. Grabbing his barely used laptop, he brings it down to the kitchen and sets it up on the island so he can just join the call when he's done making breakfast. 

Once again he's been trying his hardest to learn how to cook various food items. Today he tried to make french toast. He managed to make a few slices and some coffee before the meeting time. He catches a glimpse of himself in the reflection of the microwave door and notices how rough he looks. He knows Lance doesn't care nor does Hunk, but for fucks sake he's an idol. He can't let other's see him this rough. Glancing at the clock he sees he has time to do something about this. Setting aside the food, he jogs upstairs and finds a hair tie. A messy bun will do, right? Well, it has to. He slaps on some powder foundation along with some concealer and decides it's good enough. He at least looks a little more alive and presentable. 

Digging through his stash of stolen clothes from Lance, he finally finds a hoodie and pulls that on. He notices he has a few minutes to get his ass back downstairs and that he does. He makes it to the kitchen with about 3 minutes to spare. Checking his phone, he sees that Lance texted him about the meeting to remind him. He sends him a quick text to confirm that he's awake and is getting onto the computer now.

He joins the meeting call from the email thread that they have with the planners. Sure enough a pair of women are chilling in the call doing their own things. The blonde in the back seems to be sorting through a stack of papers and filing them in what seems to be a cabinet off camera. The other lady, one with darker hair, notices that Keith is there and greets him.

"Ina, one of the grooms is here!" She tugs on the other lady's blouse, who promptly turns and waves, "Hey! You're Akira right?"

Keith nods, and takes a sip of his coffee, "Yep."

"Great!" The darker-haired one claps her hands together. She motions to herself then to the blonde, "I'm Nadia Rizavi and this is Ina Leifsdottir! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Pleasures all mine."

Keith mutes himself and texts, Lance, telling him to hurry up. Sure enough within seconds, Hunk and Lance pop up in the call. With a sigh of relief, Keith leans back in his seat and unmutes, happy not to be alone with strangers. 

Lance being extra, per usual, greets everyone, "Awe, we're late to the party aren't we?" He nudges Hunk.

"And you must be Lance!" Nadia exclaims.

"The one and only!"

Keith gags and gets a few looks, Lance having to most insulted face ever out of everyone. He rolls his eyes as the popstar pokes at him, "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."

"Whatever you say, 여보," Keith says, taking a bite of his long waiting french toast next to him. It was starting to get cold sadly.

As he sips on his coffee, Keith gets questioned by Nadia, "Pardon my curiosity, but where were you from again?"

"Seoul, South Korea."

Ina pops back up into the frame upon hearing South Korea, "What time is it for you?"

He glances at the time, "About 9:10 am."

"Timezone difference is rough," Lance adds.

"But obviously," Keith continues, "We somehow make it work."

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