Chapter 6

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Keith tugs on Lance's sleeve, "자기야."

Lance glares at his brothers before giving Keith his full attention, "What?"

Keith awkwardly tugs Lance away from the family and into the main, open, marble tiled foyer. He makes sure they're behind the wall that separates the kitchen from the foyer before he speaks, "What the hell just happened?"

"Just Luis and Marco getting scolded for being assholes."

"Yeah, but they were cool last time," Keith says solemnly.

"I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say maybe they were telling the truth."


Lance facepalms, "Luis said that it's weird that you and I are getting married so soon. Maybe they're being jerks 'cause they're trying to test me and see if this is actually what I want."

Keith starts to worry again, "Is it?"

Looking Keith in the eyes, Lance smiles, "Of course it is, baby."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," Lance brings his hand up to Keith's face and gently brushes his hair back and away from his dark crystal like eyes, "I love you, Keith."

Keith's cheeks flush red like it's the first time he's heard the word love. He buries his face in Lance chest and lets out a muffled response, "I love you, too."


A little later, Lance and Keith find themselveson the couch with Lance's nieces and nephew. One of the girls talked everyone into playing UNO while they waited for the 'adults' to finish dinner.

Nadia leans forward and draws a card from the deck, "So, what was with all that yellin' earlier?"

Lance looks up from his cards, "Just family drama."

"Family drama, you say?" Nadia places the green card that she drew down on the pile.

"Sounded more like a soon to be fight," Sylvio scoffs, throwing down a green 9.

"Yeah," Cecile adds, "Didn't you say something like," She imitates her uncle's voice, "Oh so you want us to hash this out, outside."

Lance nods and throws a green draw two down, "Yeah something like that."

Keith leans forward and draws two. Settling back against his fiance, he continues the conversation, "You sounded like me for a moment," He pauses and gets a few glances. Picking up on it, Keith adds, "What? Solving things with violence always makes a story more interesting."

Sylvio looks at Keith then to Lance, "I like this dude, Lance."

"I do too, clearly," Lance replies with a head motion to how Keith and he are sitting. Lance has an arm on the back of the couch so Keith call comfortably lean against him while they play the friendship breaking card game.

Nadia and Cecile fake gag which causes Keith to laugh. The Korean looks at the girls, "You two will be like this with your future spouses."

"As if," Nadia rolls her eyes, "There wouldn't be time for that."

Cecile raises a brow and has a playful smile plastered on her lips, "Girl, what are you implying?"

"Whatchu think dumb dumb?"

"Oop-" Cecile does the cringy hand shielding eyes thing and plays her card.

It's Sylvio's turn to gag, "I did NOT need that image in my head, sis."

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