Chapter 1

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Keith wraps his arms around Lance's figure, hugging him tightly. His face buried in the other's chest, he speaks, voice muffled by the cloth, "Call me when you land, okay?" He lifts his head to meet Lance's gaze.

The Popstar plants a soft kiss on the other man's lips. "Okay."
"Now boarding flight XXXX."
Lance gently untangles himself from his clingy husband-to-be. Gathering his bags he lets out a heavy sigh. "That's me."

They stare into each other's eyes, lingering in the moment. Neither wanting to leave the other's side. Keith groans quietly, forcing a sad smile. "I guess I'll see you in a few weeks."
"You can bet on it," The other replies, rather upbeat. He reaches out and links their fingers, trying to be reassuring, "I've already cleared up my schedule for the next month.." He looks away, remembering a few recording sessions and such, "For the most part."
Keith's smile shifts. With a hint of happiness, he nods. "Be safe, 서방님."

Another call for boarding Lance's flight echoes above them in the large airport. They exchange a bittersweet glance before pulling one another into a tight hug. Whispering 'I love yous' before departing from one another.


Once landed, Lance immediately pulled out his phone. Lingering on the lock screen, he admires his finance who is of course his background. Shoving aside his thoughts he types the password in and calls Keith. After a few rings, the latter picks up, "Hey."

"Hey, I just got my bags."
Keith sounds a bit busy as he answers. "That's good, I guess."
"You guess?"
"Sorry, just preoccupied with laundry," Keith shuts the lid of the machine and starts it, "Alright, you landed, got your bags, and what else?"
"That's it," Lance waits for his manager, Hunk for a moment. Seeing him getting the last of his stuff, he waves his manager over, "Just waiting on Hunk so we can go back to my place."
"Your family is going to bombard you with questions," Keith says, making his way out to the living room of his high-rise penthouse. He flops onto his cherry red couch, leaning into the soft cushioning.
"Correction: OUR family."
"Right, right," He ponders on the thought of Lance's family now becoming his, "OUR family is going to bombard you with questions."
Lance looks around the busy LA airport, his foot impatiently tapping on the floor, "I'm hoping they won't be there."
"But they have a key and know when you're going to be back, right?"
"Yeah..." He huffs and waves Hunk on towards the exit, "Hey, I'll call you back later, okay?"
"Hmm, okay," Keith brushes his hair back with his free hand, "I miss you, 서방님."
"I miss you too, mi amor."

The moment Lance steps foot in his mansion he is surrounded by his family who are all asking questions, "You proposed?!"
"Do you have a picture of the ring?"
"When's the wedding?"
"Where's Tio Keith?"
"What was going through your mind, mijo?"
"Were you drunk?"
"Crossfaded, even?"

Lance pinches the bridge of his nose, "Can y'all just shut up for a moment?" The older generations grumble about the lack of respect while the younger ones hush up and wait patiently for Lance to continue his thoughts, "I just walked through the door. At least gimme some time to set my bags down in my room."

The crowd of his family parts so he can put his stuff up in his room. Dragging his suitcase up the stairs, Lance trudges into his room. The jet lag is starting to hit him and he'd rather not deal with his family's interrogations. He pulls out his phone and debates for a moment if he should call Keith again or not. Wanting some sort of comfort he clicks on his fiance's contact before silently opting to just put his phone back in his pocket. Running a hand through his dark brown hair, Lance takes a deep breath and mentally prepares himself for the millions of questions he'll have to answer. Slowly, he opens his bedroom door and steps out. With hesitation, he cautiously makes his way back downstairs to his family.

"Alright, one at a time," Lance explains as he gets engulfed by the crowd, "You may ask your questions."

Without hesitation, his older brother, Luis starts off the Q&A, "Were you sober?"

"Jesus, what kind of question is that?" Lance grimaces and shakes his head, "Of course I was sober!"

His twin sister, Rachel chirps in, "Was it real? Like really really real?"

"Yeah," He nods, "I even asked him again the next day, in private, just to be sure."

His oldest sister, Veronica, takes her turn, "Can we see the ring?"

The youngest of the siblings shrinks down in embarrassment, "I.. Um, I kind of forgot to get a picture of it."

All of the girls groan in unison with collective disappointment. They mumble amongst themselves about how incompetent Lance can be at times before the baby of them all speaks up,"Okay, dumb question," Liliana, Lance's niece asks, "But where is Tio Keith?"

Her older sister, Cecile, answers that for everyone, "He's still in Korea, Lily."

"Well, when is he coming back to Cali?" Lance's father adds.

Lance was quick with an answer for that, "In about a month, give or take."

"Give or take?" Camila, Lance's mom, questions, "What's that supposed to mean, mijo?"

"We don't have an exact date, but he's been working with his company to get some time off to come visit."

His family takes in the information and talks amongst themselves for a moment. Cecile, being curious, asks, "Okay, but like, have y'all started planning the wedding?"

All attention turns back to Lance who looks down, embarrassed once more, "No," He pauses, "We're not really sure what to really do with weddings and such... So, we really haven't been talking about it much."

Camila shakes her head, a tinge of disappointment laced in her voice, "Mijo."

"It was sudden, kind of spur of the moment," Lance explains, hurriedly, "We never really talked about marriage.." He thinks back to the show where Keith serenaded him, "But after one of our shows I just realized that I wanted to marry him."

"It was totally the one where Keith serenaded you!" Cecile teases.


"Any idiot could see how madly in love you two are," She states simply like it's a known and obvious fact, "And that war on who's 'secret' partner was better? Dios mío, it was like y'all weren't even trying to keep it a secret."

He sighs heavily, "Okay, I'll give you that. It was super obvious."

"Back on the wedding topic," Veronica butts in, "I'm sure Mom, Rachel, and I could help you two with the setup and venue," She looks at Rachel and Camila, "Right?"

"Sí," Their mother nods, "Your sisters and I would love to help you two."

Lance smiles and opens his arms for a mini group hug. Camila gladly takes up on that offer but has to drag Veronica and Rachel into the hug. "Thanks, guys."

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