Chapter 26

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Sure enough, after about 30 minutes, Pidge gets back to Keith about work. Since he oh so desperately needs a distraction, his manager got him hooked up with a distraction.

Keith's phone begins to ring the familiar ring tone he has for his 'boss'. Picking it up, he has a relieved smile tugging onto his lips, "Hey! You got something for me to do?"

"Multiple, actually," Pidge chirps through the phone, "Photo shoot and interview with XXX magazine. They've been bugging me for months about you."

XXX Magazine is one of the more well known semi-drama filled zines. It's not really the type of zine that Keith would go for usually, but work is work, and money is money soooo...

With an almost whince like sound, he finally replies, "Not a fan but it's something to do."

"Wedding planning not go so well?" Pidge asks with the faint sound of papers clacking against a table being picked up.

"Oh, I royally screwed up today."

"Hm, I figured it wouldn't go smoothly," she says simply, "There's a reason I was assigned to you."

"Yeah, there was, so how about you give me more details about this interview?"

"Of course," Pidge huffs then goes into a long spiel covering details about the interview and photoshoot. She tops it off with driving arrangements and lunch preparations that she managed to set up in only 30 minutes. They really did assign her to Keith for a reason. She is fast., "So, I suggest you get ready to leave soon."

"Yes ma'am."

Pidge gags, "Don't call me that."


After the hell of makeup and wardrobe, Keith is silently regretting his choices. Sure it wasn't that bad, but he does NOT miss being swarmed by 5+ people for various things. First it was the lady that led Pidge and him to wardrobe and makeup, along with bodyguards for some reason..?? Then, it was the two girls doing hair whilst another is on makeup. Then finally, it was some flashy looking fashion designer getting all handsy with clothes.

Keith did not want to be here anymore but money is money so he'll just put on a smile. After all this is a distraction from disaster wedding planning- or at least it was supposed to be. The girls that were doing hair and makeup already got all up in his business about the wedding and Lance. He was actually kind of glad that the fashion designer was more physical than verbal.

The photographer was just as noisy as the girls from earlier. Demanding certain poses as loudly as humanly possible, and being bossy was not a good look for him. Power trip much? But, Keith reminds himself that he just needs to bite his tongue and not comment on how others do their job. Besides, this is somewhat better than sitting in silence and googling how to have a perfect wedding... right?

"Alright, I need Mr. Kogane for the interview now!" A woman who Keith can only assume is a reporter/journalist for the company shouts.

"One minute!"

"You have 5 seconds," She impatiently taps her foot on the floor, arms crossed.

A couple more camera flashes later, the camera man waves Keith off to the journalist. She promptly leads the idol and his manager to another nearby room that's much more quiet than the lively building. Taking in his surroundings, Keith concludes that this is some sort of conference room.

"You two can sit over there," The woman motions to the seats across the table from her. She waits a moment for the pair to settle before beginning the interview, "It's great to have you come out here today, Akira. I've been hearing that recently you've been quite busy."

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