Chapter 23

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Acxa did raise a point. The couple never thought that fair ahead ever. The whole engagement was very out of the blue. They've never really talked beforehand about marriage. Neither of them even thought that marriage was the endgame but yet here they are. 

After about an hour and a half, Acxa decides that she needs to head back to her and the girl's place before it gets too late. Leaving Keith with his slightly buzzed state of mind and the thought of the wedding. He eventually remembers he needs to call Lance. After turning everything off and putting away leftovers, Keith grabs his phone and some water and heads up to his room. There he changes into one of Lance's shirts he stole and some old night pants. Hopping into his bed, he turns on the TV and decides he can finally call Lance, from the comfort of his bed. 

After a few rings, the popstar picks up the phone. He's less groggy at this point after being up for a while but is still in bed, "Hey."

"Hey," Keith adjusts his pillow and turns the volume down on his TV, "What've you been up to for the past hour?"

"Mainly just scrolled through Instagram and Twitter," Lance replies, "How'd things with Acxa go?"

"Oh," The idol pauses on the thought of the marriage talk. He's torn on whether or not he should bring it up, "It was fine, I guess. Lotor will debut soon probably and Acxa came up with a name for the girls... Sooo.. yeah.."

"Is that really all ya'll talked about?"

"No," Keith yawns and checks the time on the notification bar on his phone. It's getting late, "We just talked about gossip after that and a little bit about our engagement."

"What'd she say about our engagement?"

"Nothing," He pauses, "She just wants to know when the wedding will be and if we even started planning it."

"What'd you tell her?"

Keith shrugs off unwanted tension in his shoulders then rolls them back a bit, "Just that we haven't really started planning. She got on my ass about it since we've been engaged for around 6 months now."

Lance groans on the other end of the line, "Wedding planning is hard."

"I know..." He pauses, "But, we should really start thinking about it more, y'know?"

"I know."

They sit in silence for a while, neither really wanting to stress over the topic. But it really is bugging Keith a lot. They never really talk about what they want the wedding to look like. They never talk about anything besides working, family ordeals, and missing each other. What the hell has their relationship come down to? Isn't it supposed to be like this after they get married?

Without really thinking about it, Keith asks, "Have you ever really thought about it? Our wedding?"

Silence followed by an airy noise from Lance is all he gets for a moment. The Idol kind of figured he'd get that as a response. He's never really thought about it much either so his answer wouldn't be much different. But after a beat, the Popstar answers, "I mean..." He drags out the sound at the end a bit,  "A little...?"

Keith almost smiles at the thought of Lance off in a dream world thinking of their perfect wedding, "Oh really?"


"And you've never told me?"

He hears Lance sit up, a sudden outburst following, "Well, you never tell me about how you want it to play out!"

"Well, how about we change that? You tell me, I'll tell you."

"I-" He huffs, "Fine, but promise me you won't make fun of me."

"여보, you know I can't do that," Keith teases, "It's my job to make fun of you."

"Fine, I'll just make fun of you too then."

"Fine by me."

"Okay, so," Lance pauses and laughs lightly at himself, "This is so cliche, but I was always thinking of like a..." He drags out the 'a' and seems kind of bashful, "Beach wedding."

Keith had a feeling that Lance would say something like that. It's nothing to really tease him about since it's a normal wedding idea. Everyone has thought about having a wedding on the beach, even Keith. But that wasn't really his ideal. He remembers the wedding pictures that were in the living room at his old home. The ones of his mom and dad. The ones of Shiro's dad and their mom. She always looked so beautiful even in the old hand-me-down wedding dress that was yellowing and wearing. Her weddings were all lowkey and intimate, nothing fancy. Keith kind of aspired to have a wedding like that, nothing too fancy. Yes, he has the financial security to splurge and make it extravagant and luxe, but that's not that important to him. If his mom, Shiro, and he all were comfortable with how things were he's sure he'd still be comfortable with something lowkey.

"A beach wedding sounds nice, but let's keep an open mind to other possibilities."

"You hate the idea, don't you?"

"Lance, 여보, I said it sounds nice. I'm not opposed to the idea but let's not settle too fast."

"Mi Amor, all we do is move fast."

"Not with the wedding."


"Anyways," Keith tries to steer the conversation back towards actual planning, "What I was thinking of was something lowkey. Maybe a garden or vineyard or something... I don't know."

Keith pays closer attention to the TV at this point. He doesn't really have any real ideas.

"At this point, I might as well get us a wedding planner," Lance sighs.

"Y'know, if we can fit it into our schedules, go for it," he says.

"I was joking, but okay."

"I think we need more help," Keith thinks back to how the Serrano-McClain family has been desperately trying to help but have only been stressing them out more, "Especially since we're not getting anywhere when we talk to Mom and Veronica."

"Okay, well," Lance sighs, probably sad over the extra cost that comes with having a wedding planner, "I'll tell Hunk and see what I can do."

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