Chapter 22

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It's been about 3 months since Keith last visited the States. He has finally gotten into the rhythm of his busy schedule in Korea. Somehow the Idol is still finding time to text and call Lance almost every day. Most of his days have been filled with meetings and interviews pertaining to his engagement and sometimes new music.

On the other hand, Lance hasn't been as busy but that doesn't mean he hasn't been busy whatsoever. He's already starting the recording process of his next album and has been getting hammered with interviews left and right. He's been doing a lot better lately with answering questions about his relationship with Keith. No more stuttering or avoiding the questions. Honestly, Keith has been keeping up and watching every interview and is proud of him. Their very long and truthfully annoying talk about Lance needing to learn how to function without Keith being there paid off.

With that recap, we move into the now. Keith was not expecting a call from Lance around 8:30 at night. The usual celebrity news plays in the background whilst Keith tries, and I mean, tries his hardest to make garlic knots. After Lance made them for him, he absolutely needed the recipe. He's not the best at cooking or baking or any of that, but Lance spent a lot of time trying to teach him, and Keith will be damned if he didn't at least attempt to make something by himself. 

Grabbing the phone stand that his phone is on, Keith brings it over to the counter next to the stove and begins searching the cupboards for a saucepan. He knows he probably has one but he has no idea where it is. Finally finding it, he sets it on the stovetop and turns the heat on low. Adding the 4 tbsp of butter, and minced garlic to the pan, Keith tries his hardest not to burn anything. Oddly his phone starts ringing.

With a sigh, he picks up the phone and sees it's Lance. Well, that's strange. Lance never calls him in the evening. He presses answer and puts his phone on speaker. Setting it back down on the stand, he goes back to making sure nothing is burning. 

Lance's voice crackle through the line, sounding hoarse and gravelly, "Hey."

"Hey," Keith notices the tone of his fiancee's voice, "Did you just wake up?"

"You can tell, can't you?"

"Yep." Keith stirs the contents of the pan with a wooden spoon, "Hey, Uhm, what time is it over there?"

There's a slight pause then he gets an answer, "Just like... Almost 5 am."

He hears Lance roll around in his bed as he answers, "Why're you up so early,여보?"

"I have a meeting at 8," He yawns, "I woke up way before my alarm. What are you doin' right now?"

Keith was sure that Lance could hear the sizzle of the pan, but obviously, he didn't, "Just cooking."

"Whatcha' cookin'?"

"Your favorite food in the entire world."

"Garlic knots?"


"Awwwee," Lance coos over the phone, "Did you-"

Keith shuts the teasing down immediately, "여보, don't even start."

He can almost hear Lance pouting on the other end, "Fine."

They chat away as Keith cooks. Whilst Keith was brushing on the garlic butter he hears the call alarm go off, signaling that someone was trying to come up to the penthouse. With a sigh, he wipes his hands on his apron that he just got a few weeks ago and tells Lance to give him a second. Walking over to the answering box on the wall outside the kitchen he checks the cam and sees Acxa. Hitting the button that'll let her up he goes back to the garlic knots and Lance.

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