Chapter 20

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Deciding to just call it a night, they head up to their room. Keith can feel the disappointment radiating off of Lance as they lay in bed together. Lance kept to his side of the bed, back turned to Keith. The Idol glances over to Lance, wondering if he should try a comfort him. Shifting in between the sheets, he props himself up and places a cold hand on Lance's shoulder. Rubbing small circles into the tanned skin dotted with freckles, he opens his mouth to speak but holds his tongue. He hesitates for a while, the fear of an argument lingering over his head. Sliding his hand down and around Lance's waist, Keith moves closer and hugs him from behind. It's the little intimate things that are the most comforting. 

Breathing in the smell of Lance's body wash and the lingering faint smell of pool bleach, Keith finally pushes aside fear, "You okay?" He gets radio silence in return. He knows that Lance is still awake and is choosing to ignore him. This bothers him a bit but he lets it go. Doing the same thing Lance did to him earlier, he slips a hand under Lance's shirt. 

They both love skin-to-skin contact. Well, usually they do. Lance grabs Keith's wrist and moves his hand back on top of the fabric barrier. He lets out an annoyed sigh and loosens the grip on the other man's wrist, opting to loosely lace their fingers together instead. A soft smile tugs at Keith's lips as he realizes that they're still fine. He props himself up once more to study the side of Lance's face before placing a quick soft kiss on his cheek. Lance rolls over as Keith pulls away, catching the smaller man off-guard. Reaching up with his free hand a cupping Keith's pale pink-tinted cheek, he guides him back down gently into another kiss. 

Keith uses his free hand to turn Lance towards him more, furthering the kiss. The voice in the back of his mind, which sounds awfully a lot like Shiro, is telling him to stop this non-sense and not to give Lance any ideas. Pushing aside the voice, he climbs on top of Lance, giving into instinct. Lance lets go of Keith's other hand and uses it to guide the idol closer to him. Moving his hand from Keith's cheek to his hair, his fingers get tangled up in the thick dark locks. He gently tugs Keith back by his hair to break for air. Remembering what Keith said early, Lance pushes all of his gutter belonging thoughts out of his head and offers a sincere soft smile instead, "We don't have to go any further than this."

Hearing that made Keith's stomach fill with butterflies. Though Lance has been an asshole lately, he really knows how to make Keith feel good. The smile from earlier comes back to his lips, except this time it's more lovesick. Leaning back in, he captures Lance's lips with his own. One thought crosses his mind at that moment, 'I can't wait to marry this man'. 

His hands rest on Lance's shoulders as he straddles him. His hips subconsciously move on their own, creating friction. Lance notices this slides his hands down to stop the movement. He doesn't know if Keith is doing that on purpose or not. Given that instead of getting consent to move things along further he was met with a kiss, Lance wasn't about to escalate this further and risk getting yelled at.

Breaking away once more, Keith pushes the hair that's fallen onto his face back. Noticing this, Lance moves one hand up and brushes a few strands behind this fiance's ear before whispering, "You're beautiful mi amor."

Que the uncontrollable blushing. Keith's cheeks flush bright red and he sits up slightly, covering his face with his hand. After the initial shock his lovesick smile returns for the third time. He leans back down, removing his hand from his face. His smile begins to turn into a smirk as he whispers, "You're not too bad yourself, McClain."

Lance smirks back before pulling Keith in for another quick kiss. After a beat, he pulls away with a smirk, locking his gaze with his fiance's, "You better be careful with what you say, Kogane."

Keith rolls his eyes in an almost bratty way, "Whatcha' gonna do if I don't?"

Lance's hands find themselves both back on Keith's hips. He squeezes the are lightly before saying, "I think you know."

"Oh you're sooo threatening," Keith teases. He leans closer, barely any space left between them. His gaze flashes between Lance's eyes and his lips. He lingers on the thought for a moment, staring at the popstars parted lips before staring into Lance's soul in almost a threatening way, "But you know that if you do that, there will be consequences."

Lance rolls his eyes and flips them, pinning Keith down to the bed, "I don't think you realize how badly I'm trying to restrain myself right now."

Keith cranes his head up and kisses Lance again, briefly, "Oh really?"

The Popstar closes his eyes and hangs his head for a moment to regain his self-control before looking back up at his ever-so-teasing fiance, "You don't even understand how hard it is for me to not rip off your clothes and go to town."

Keith lays his head back on the pillows in an almost teasing fashion. He has this almost malicious smirk on his face. He knows that even in this position he's the one that has the power in their relationship no matter what the situation. It's safe to say that Lance is whipped. Keith looks Lance up and down for a moment before locking eyes once more, "I think I understand."

"Doubt it."

They kiss once more. Every kiss that they've shared has increased in passion and hunger. Keith was slowly giving into Lance's wishes as time progresses. Lance gently releases his grip on Keith's wrists and lets him wrap his arms around his shoulders. The Popstar opts to slide a hand under the other's head and cradle it whilst the other hand wanders. Slipping his hand under Keith's shirt, he slides his hand up the smaller man's torso and towards his chest. Keith notices this and breaks away from the kiss, quickly grabbing the wandering hand. Their gazes meet and Keith scowls, "Remember what I told you earlier?"

Lance huffs out hot air and pouts, "Yes... I do."

"Good boy," Keith's teasing smirk returns.

Lance makes a low noise that sounds almost like an angry growl, "Quit teasing me."



This whole chapter was just self-indulgent and not needed but fuck it, I crave bratty Keith and annoyed Lance.

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