Chapter 14

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With the couple back together and the angst over momentarialy, the week continued on. The very next day they had a few interviews with popular talk shows. Hunk had sure worked fast and had them booked for almost every celebrity talk show and drama show out there.

With a few days of interviews over, the very last one had fallen upon them. Before the show the pair start their normal routine of helping each other look their best for the audience when they hear a knock on the dressing room door. The knock is accompanied by a the cheerful voice of a stage hand, "Excuse me? Akira? Loverboy Lance?"

The pair exchange a look before Lance heads over to the door and opens it with his usual bright smile, "Yes?"

The younger looking women clears her throat and looks at her clipboard, "I was sent to give you guys a little run down on how the shows going to go. Is it fine if I come in for a moment?"

Lance looks back to Keith who is sitting in the chair at the makeup counter. The other looks up in the mirror towards the door and nods before going back to doing his eyeliner. Lance steps aside and welcomes the lady in, "Um, yeah sure."

She steps in and Lance closes the door behind her before going to Keith and fixing his tangled black hair. The lady smiles brightly at the sight of the couple and starts off on her short run down, "First off, I'd like to say I'm a huge fan of both of you and I'm shocked you're actually together."

The couple simultaneously glance back at her. Keith shifts his gaze back to his reflection fast and asks, "Are you a stage hand or a fangirl that snuck in?"

"Stage hand but also fangirl," She admits. She looks down at the clipboard again and reads off the usual, "Anyways, I'm sure you both know how this works. You wait at the side, get queued then walk on stage and answer a few questions. We will be having questions from the fans,"

"Questions from the fans?" Lance questions her.

"All of them have been approved by your manager, Mr.McClain. You two should have no worries about any ridiculous comments and questions."

Lance eases a bit upon hearing that Hunk approved all the questions before hand. If anyone knew how uncomfortable this is for him it'd be Keith and Hunk. He's glad that one of them went through the questions and okayed them.


Lance tucks some of Keith's hair back behind his ear as they wait on the stage side. Keith fidgets with the engagement ring on his finger nervously and the popstar notices this.

"Aren't I supposed to be the nervous one?" Lance teases in a hushed whisper.

"Shut up."

Lance stifles laughter and grabs Keith's hands, "Hey, no backing out now right?"


Lance pulls him into a quick hug as he hears the hostess announce their arrival.

"Now can we get a warm welcome for the couple of the hour, Loverboy Lance and Akira?!" The hostess calls out to the audience.

A nearby stage hand waves them on. They untangle themselves from eachother and opted to hold hands, fingers intertwined. They walk out on stage, Lance gives the audience a small wave and they take their seats at the couch adjacent to the host's chair. The crowd begins to die down as the mc welcomes them.

"Welcome, Welcome!" She turns her attention to the more familiarized guest, "Gosh, it's been forever since we last spoke, Lance! How have you been?!"

"I'm fine for the most part," He smiles, "Obviously I've been doing pretty good in the love department."

Lance motions to Keith who has is usual fan pleasing smile on his face. The hostess shifts her attention to Keith, "You must be Akira! It's a pleasure to finally meet you!"

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