Chapter 4

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Finally finding a way to slip away from the Serrano-McClain family, Keith and Lance escaped to their bedroom. Keith is all peopled out. He collapses on the bed with a tired groan.

Lance peeks out the door then closes it, making sure to lock it. He sees Keith collapsed on the bed walks over to him. He lightly massages his lover's back.

"You okay?" Lance asks.

"Yeah, just need a break." Keith hums. He takes a deep breath of Lance's scent in the sheets then sits up. He leans into Lance who is standing behind him and sighs, "I'm still not used to the whole family thing. Especially now that all the attention is on us."

"It's only gonna get worse from here on out," Lance admits.


Knock knock knock

"Who is it?" Lance calls out.

"Me!" Liliana calls from the other side of the door.

The pair exchanged looks then Keith gives Lance the go-ahead. Lance walks over to the door and unlocks it. Opening it slowly, he peers out to make sure there's no one else. Seeing no one else, he hurriedly pushes Liliana in and shuts the door.

"What are you doing here, Lily?" Lance asks, squatting down to her level.

"I seen you guys were missing," Liliana explains, "And I knew where you would be."

Lance forces a smile, "Well thanks for checking on us, but we needed some alone time, sweetheart."

"I can be alone with you guys!"

Keith burst out into laughter which earns him a look from Lance. The American looks back to his niece and sighs, "Just give me and Keith a few minutes and we'll come back downstairs, okay?"

"How long is a few minutes?"

"Like five," Lance holds up the number on his hands.

Liliana sighs and reaches for the doorknob to let herself out, "Okay... But only five! I'll be counting!"

Lance smiles more genuinely now and opens the door for his niece, "I bet you will."

"I will!"

"Okay, okay," He pushes her out into the hall, gently, "You can start counting.. now!" 

He quickly and quietly closes the door and locks it once more. Turning his attention back to Keith, Lance walks back over to his fiance with a coy smile, "Sorry 'bout that."

Keith wraps his arms around Lance and smiles, "It's fine. You were adorable."

"Adorable?" Lance repeats, "I am not adorab- Woah! Hey!" Keith tugs Lance down onto the bed with him, cutting him off mid-sentence. Wrapping his arms around Keith he goes back to what he was saying, "Like I was saying, I'm not adora-" This time Keith cuts him off with a quick kiss. Lance sighs, "I'm not gonna be able to finish that sentence, am I?"

"Nope!" Keith says happily.

The two lay there for the remainder of their five minute break. When Liliana knocks on the door again, they both let out an annoyed sigh.

"You ready?" Lance asks.

"No," Keith shakes his head then forces a smile, "But I gotta be."

Lance pushes himself off the bed then offers Keith a hand. Pulling him off the bed, Lance decides to oull him in for one last kiss before facing the family again.

Unlocking the door, the couple emerge. Liliana is coping her mother's 'mom stance'. Her little arms crossed over her chest and one foot angrily tapping away on the ground, Liliana huffs, "It's been more than five minutes!"

"Oh sue me!" Lance exclaims playfully. He picks her up and props her on his left hip, like he's done plenty of times before. Groaning at the extra weight, he teases her, "What has your mom been feeding you? You're getting so heavy!"

Liliana seems to panic, "How am I heavy?!"

"Because you're growing!" Veronica snaps, already halfway up the steps. Lance almost jumps upon hearing his sister's voice, "Lance, put her down before you hurt yourself."

"V, I'm fine," Lance shifts Liliana to his back, "She's not that heavy."

"Quit playing," Veronica makes it to the top, "She's 8 now so she can walk on her own."

Lance shakes his head, "You always try and ruin everything don't you?"

Veronica grimaces, "Just put my child down."

"Fine," Lance crouches down and let's Liliana off. Standing back up, he crosses his arms, "You're such a party pooper, V."

"Yeah!" Liliana adds, backing her uncle up."

Veronica grabs her daughter's hand and drags her back downstairs, "I expect you two to be down here in the next minute! You're making Mama sad!"

Lance huffs out hot air and turns to Keith, "She always has to ruin the fun."

Keith sympathies with his fiance, "Oh well. Maybe we'll understand when we have kids."

"Yeah.. WAIT." Lance's eyes go wide, "You're already thinking about kids?"

"I mean, no, not really," Keith looks down for a moment, "I just love watching you interact with your nieces and nephews, and sometimes, I.. I catch myself thinking about it. Like the thought of, 'Would he still be like this with our kids'?" Lance stares at his partner in shock as he continues, "It's stupid, I know, but like-"

Lance cuts him off with a gentle and loving kiss. Pulling away Lance and Keith keep eye contact as the American smiles, "It's not stupid to want to start a family."

"But so soon- I mean- I-"

"We can think and not act," Lance says. He glances downstairs and sighs.

"We need to go back down there.."

Lance groans and nods, "Yeah, yeah... We do."

Keith takes Lance's hand and intertwines their fingers, "Alright, let's go," Keith pulls Lance towards the steps but gets stopped, "What?"

"This conversation is not over," Lance says, "We are so talking about the whole kids thing tonight."

Keith softens, a dumb lovesick smile forms on his lips, "Okay."

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