Chapter 28

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"It's almost midnight over there isn't it?" Keith asks, looking over at the wall art clock across the room. It's functional but mostly met for aesthetic.

"Mmh? Oh yeah, it is," Lance responds.

"Well, I'll let you go to bed," He replies, wrapping his free arm around his knees and bringing them to his chest. Keith rests his chin on his knee, "사랑해."

"나도 사랑해."

Keith blinks a few times, shocked, "DID YOU JUST-?"

"What? I've been practicing," Lance explains, him smile growing audibly.

"I can tell!" The Idol is still kind of in shock. He hasn't been practicing much Spanish recently so now he feels a little weird; like he's falling behind in school or something. "Your pronunciation was great, but the accent-"

"I need to work on it, I know," His lover explains himself, "To be fair though, even Mama and Papa say I sound very American even when I speak Spanish."

"Really? I've never noticed."

"Well you didn't grow up with it so you wouldn't be able to tell."

"Fair," Keith glances at the clock again, "Okay, but seriously you need to go to bed, 여보."

Lance teases, "Okay Dad."

"Oh shut up and go to sleep, dummy."

"Whatever you say mi amor," He pauses, "Try to have a better evening than this morning."

"Anything will be better than this morning," Keith smiles to himself, "Now, Goodnight."

With that the call ends. But Lance is still very much awake... And he has ideas. Stupid and really irresponsible ideas, but ideas nonetheless. Rolling over, he clicks on Hunk's name and send him a quick text.


L: Hey buddy. Is there anyway I could get a few days off later this week?


He leaves it at that.


Morning comes with a loud knock on Lance's door. He jumps awake by the sudden loud noise followed by a muffled voice.

"Lance! Wake up!"

After a brief moment of sleep fogged slowness, Lance clocks the voice as Hunk's and calms. Proving himself up on his elbows, Lance calls out, "I'm awake."

"What's this about needing time off?" Hunk asks.

Sleep still clouds Lance's brain causing him to only pick up bits and pieces of that. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to stay up late.

"Can you just come in here?" He asks with a yawn.

With a a frustrated huff like sigh, Hunk opens the door and steps in, "What was last night's text about?"

Thinking back to it, what was it about? Lance sits in thought for a moment then remembers, "Oh yeah that-"

"Yeah, that."

"You can't go blabbing about this."

"When do I ever?"

"Fair," Lance peers behind Hunk and sees the door open, "Close that."

Complying, Hunk closes the wooden door then turns back to Lance, "What did you do? Nothing illegal, right?"

"What? No." Lance almost scowls, "It's about Keith," That gets Hunk's attention. His eyebrows quirk, seeming curious, "Last night he had a panic attack and called me right as it was happening. And I-"

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