Chapter 31

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Putting this here cuz no one saw it...

Should I make a spin-off series about background ships in Idol Love. I.e. Shadam, (spoiler) Veracxa, Lotura, etc.?

Drop a comment with a yes or a no + ideas.

They pull up to the company building and immediately are met with guards that escort the couple inside the building. Keith gets out first and motions for Lance to follow him. They promptly get separated by the guards though.

Keith rolls his eyes and speaks to the guards in Korean, "He's with me, clearly."

"Can't be too safe," A guard explains.

Keith raises a brow a flashes his engagement ring, "He's my fiance. I can assure you there won't be any problems."

"But, only you were requested."

"He doesn't speak or understand Korean. He's no threat," Keith explains, pushing past the guard and back to Lance. He offers his hand and intertwines their fingers, switching back to English, "Sorry about them."

"No, I get it." Lance shrugs as a guard approaches him and motions for him to stick his arms up.

"Arms up," The guard barks in korean.

Keith gets between them, switching dialects again, "You don't need to to search him."

"Bosses orders," The guard explains with a sigh, "Anyone new needs to be searched."

"This isn't a jail."

"Orders are orders."

Keith gives up and throws his hands up in defeat, "Fine! But can't you at least do this inside?" He gets a look and promptly brings out his inner diva, "Look, I don't care what the orders were! If you have to do this, it's happening inside. Understood?"

The guard gives up and escorts them inside and does a quick body search once they're in the lobby. Finding nothing, he looks to Keith who is just glaring, annoyed that this was even required. He waves the guard off and promptly turns to Lance, fixing his shirt, grumbling, "Stupid fucking guards."

"They're just doing their job, baby," Lance replies, placing a soft kiss on Keith's forehead.

Keith scowls, "Still annoying."

A young lady approaches them, "Akira?"

He glances towards her, still adjusting some of Lance's clothes out of habit, "Yes?"

"Honerva is ready for you," She glances at Lance.

Keith picks up on this, "He doesn't know any Korean. Don't worry."

"Still, Honerva will-"

"It's fine," He replies, "I'm sure she'll understand."


After a bit of questioning, Honerva allows Lance to sit in on the meeting. It was fairly fast and straight to the point about sales and the next album... Until it wasn't. Towards the end she brings up the G5, now known as Galphoria situation.

"So, I really do need to ask you about something," She says, smile dropping, "I'm sure you're aware of G5 splitting up. You wouldn't happen to know why, right?"

Keith recalls the countless meetings and calls with Acxa concerning this topic. He quirks a brow, putting on an act, "No idea, really. I wasn't surprised to hear about the split, though."

"Really?" She reaches for a folder and sets it on the desk. Opening it, she spreads out photos of Axca and Keith meeting with various timestamps attached, "'Cause I think it's quite bizarre that Acxa and you started to hang out more before she brought up the idea to Matt."

"Honerva, Acxa is just my friend," Keith explains, "We had some time to hang out and took it."

She notices Lance getting antsy at the sight of these suspicious photos. She smiles to herself and switches to English, "I never claimed that you were more than just 'friends', Keith," She pauses, "I just thought it was odd that you two have been seen together before the split," She earns a glare from her client, "I guess you just confirmed the rumors."

"What rumors?" Keith and Lance ask in harmony.

"Oh, you haven't heard?" She smirks, "Some of these photos got out in the industry. Now there's a rumor floating around that you're having an affair with Axca." She watches the couple exchange a look. She softens, "I do hope this isn't true. Especially for the sake of your relationship."

"I can assure you, it's just a rumor," Keith hastily replies.

"Well, if it's really just a rumor then why have there been multiple reports of you sneaking around with Axca?"

Keith looks to Lance who scowls and looks away, clearly upset. He tries to reach out but Lance moves away. Turning his attention back to Honerva, the idol glares, "I don't know what you're playing at, Honerva, but Axca and I are just friends. She came to me for help with something one night and I've been trying to help her ever since."

"So, this 'something' is why you're sneaking around with her?"


"Well, for the sake of your relationship, I suggest you share what this something is."

Keith wasn't supposed to tell the company about his involvement in the group splitting up. It wasn't his place to split them up, yet he stepped in.

"Axca wanted to go solo," He finally says, "I told her it wasn't a good idea and suggested that maybe Lotor should go solo. I told her she should stay with the group."

Honerva looks him up and down before clicking her tongue, "What made you think this was a good idea?"

"Girl groups are popular so I guess I seen dollar signs over their heads," Keith lies through his teeth. He knows he only did this to keep the girls safe, "And Lotor is super talented, so I thought that if anyone were to leave the group and still find success it'd be him."


"Really," He bows his head and begins to apologize, "I know its not my place to make these decisions and I'm sorry for any interference. I was just trying to better the company and my friends."

She sighs, "Pick your head up." Keith complies but doesn't look her in the eye, afraid she'll catch him in a lie. "I admire your bravery, and am glad that you actually had her bring this up with Matt. Your judgment was correct," She notices how his demeanor changes upon hearing that and continues, "But don't you dare that again."

"I won't, I swear."

She smiles at that, "Good boy. Now, you and and your fiance run along. I'm sure you have something better to do than be lectured by me."

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